Sun GlassFish Web Space Server 10.0 Installation Guide

Common Questions

The following are some commonly asked questions about Web Space Server software.


Into what languages is Web Space Server localized?


Web Space Server 10.0 software has been localized into 22 languages. Japanese (ja) and Chinese (zh_CN) localizations are directly supported by Sun Microsystems. Localizations for other languages are community driven. Web Space Server is also fully internationalized, which makes it possible to add new languages. For more information about localization, see Localization Support in Sun GlassFish Web Space Server 10.0 Administration Guide.


What databases does Web Space Server support?


HSQL, MySQL, Microsoft SQL, and Oracle 10g.


What is the recommended JDK version to use with Web Space Server?


JDK 1.6.0_07 later. Also make sure that Ant 1.7.0 is installed on the machine on which you are installing Web Space Server.


What size image should I use for my site logo?


It is recommended that your site logo be no larger than 50 x 50 pixels.


What is the recommended amount of memory (RAM) to use with Web Space Server?


It is recommended that the machine on which a Web Space Server server is running has a minimum of 2GB RAM. Client machines connecting to a Web Space Server site should have a minimum of 1GB RAM.


Which Web browsers are recommended for use with Web Space Server?


Web Space Server has been tested most with Firefox 2.x, Firefox 3.x, and IE 7 web browsers, although Web Space Server also runs well on Opera 9.x and Safari 3.x browsers


On what port does Web Space Server run?


By default, Web Space Server runs on port 8080. The port can be changed later, but the Web Space Server installation program runs on port 8080, so this port must be free before you start the installation process. If upgrading from a previous Web Space Server installation, be sure to stop any running GlassFish domains before proceeding.