Sun GlassFish Web Space Server 10.0 Installation Guide

ProcedureTo Install and Configure Oracle

This procedure explains how to install configure Web Space Server to work with an Oracle database. Note that this procedure explains on the most basic Oracle installation instructions. For complete Oracle installation instructions, see the Oracle Documentation page.

  1. Download and run the installer for the Oracle package you want to use.

    Refer to the Oracle documentation for complete instructions.

  2. In a command shell, open an Oracle SQL session and create Web Space Server database with UTF-8 support.

    In this example, the new database is named lportal. Use the following commands to create the database:


    Note that you cannot specify AL16UTF16 as the CHARACTER SET, although it is acceptable for NATIONAL CHARACTER SET.

    Note also that NATIONAL CHARACTER SET is used for columns specifically defined as NCHAR, NCLOB, or NVARCHAR2. Allowed values are AL16UTF16 (default) and UTF8. See the Oracle Database Globalization Support Guide for information about Unicode data type support.

  3. Create the Web Space Server database user.

    • If using Oracle 10g:

      1. Use a Web browser to connect to the Oracle server, and log in as administrator; for example:

      2. Click Administration->Database Users->Create Users to create a new user.

        Use the following settings:

        • User name: lportal

        • Password: lportal

        • User privileges: All except for DBA

    • If using Oracle 11g:

      1. Use a Web browser to connect to the Oracle server, and log in as administrator; for example:

      2. Click Servers->Users->Create User to create a new user.

        Use the following settings:

        • User name: lportal

        • Password: lportal

        • User role: DBA

        • Default tablespace: USERS

        • Temporary tablespace: TEMP

  4. Open an Oracle SQL command prompt as administrator, and enter the following commands:

    connect lportal/lportal;
    create schema authorization lportal;
  5. Proceed to To Connect to a Database Other Than HSQL for additional configuration instructions.