Sun GlassFish Web Space Server 10.0 Installation Guide

Using a Web Space Server Administrator Account

In addition to Using Update Tool, upgrades to Web Space Server plugins can be performed directly from a Web Space Server Administrator account.

Note –

Performing upgrades in this way requires that Update Tool be installed and upgrade servers configured as described in Using Update Tool. Also note that only plugins can be upgraded from within aWeb Space Server session; Web Space Server core components cannot be upgraded from within a running Web Space Server session. Moreover, it is recommended that only community or private plugins be upgraded in this way. Because of this, performing upgrades through a Web Space Server Administrator account in a running Web Space Server session is typically only a supplementary means for performing upgrades using Update Tool.

ProcedureTo Perform Upgrades Through a Web Space Server Administrator Account

Before You Begin

Update servers must be initially configured using Update Tool, as described in Using Update Tool.

  1. Log in to Web Space Server using an Administrator account.

    If updates are available, a prompt is displayed at the top of the Web Space Server window.

  2. Click the “Updates are available for Web Space” link.

    Click Close if you do not want to perform updates at this time.

    Clicking the “Updates are available” link displays the Update Manger Page. Components for which updates are available are displayed with Update Available in the Status column.

  3. Click the Action button next to the updates you want to install.

ProcedureTo Enable or Disable Update Prompts in a Web Space Server Administrator Account

The display of update prompts in a Web Space Server Administrator account can be enabled or disabled by setting the plugin.notifications.enabled property to true or false in the file.

  1. In a command shell, change to the ws-install-dir/var/webspace/war-workspace/customs/webspace/WEB-INF/classes directory.

  2. Edit the file, as follows:

    • To enable update prompts:

    • To disable update prompts:

  3. Change to the ws-install-dir/var/webspace/war-workspace directory and run the synchronize.xml Ant script.

    cd ws-install-dir/var/webspace/war-workspace
    ant -f synchronize.xml

    The Web Space Server domain is stopped by the synchronize.xml script.

  4. Restart the Web Space Server domain.

    cd gf-install-dir/bin
    asadmin start-domain