Sun GlassFish Web Space Server 10.0 Installation Guide

ProcedureTo Install GlassFish Enterprise Server Using the JAR-Based Installer

  1. Set the JAVA_HOME environment variable to point to the directory in which JDK 1.6 is installed.

    The latest JDK packages are available from the Sun Java SE downloads page.

  2. Set the ANT_HOME environment variable to point to an installation of Ant 1.7 or above.

    The latest Ant packages are available from the Apache Ant Project downloads page.

    Note –

    GlassFish Enterprise Server is bundled with Ant 1.6.5, which is too old to work with Web Space Server. Make sure that ANT_HOME points to an installation of Ant 1.7 or later, and is not pointing to the version of Ant bundled with GlassFish.

  3. Download the GlassFish Enterprise v2.1 package to the directory of your choice.

  4. Change to the directory in which you downloaded the GlassFish JAR package, and then start the GlassFish installer:

    cd download_directory
    java -Xmx256m -jar filename.jar

    The directory in which the GlassFish components are unpacked is referred to throughout this documentation as gf-install-dir.

  5. Change to the gf-install-dir directory and run the GlassFish setup script.

    cd gf-install-dir
    ant -f setup.xml

    If you prefer to install GlassFish with clustering support, run the setup-cluster.xml script instead of setup.xml.

    ant -f setup-cluster.xml
  6. Change to the gf-install-dir/bin directory and start the default GlassFish domain.

    cd gf-install-dir/bin
    ./asadmin start-domain
  7. Proceed to the instructions in To Install Web Space Server Software Into an Existing Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server Configuration.

See Also

Refer to the GlassFish Quick Start Guides more information about getting started with the various GlassFish packages. For more information about configuring GlassFish clustering and load balancing, refer to Configuring the Cluster/Load Balancer with GlassFish V2.