Sun GlassFish Web Space Server 10.0 Administration Guide

ProcedureTo Stage a Community and to Publish a Page to Live

  1. Log in to Sun GlassFish Web Space Server as admin user.

  2. Choose Add Application from the Welcome menu, and add My Communities portlet to your page.

  3. Click the Communities I Own tab on the My Communities portlet.

  4. To stage a Community, click the Actions button corresponding to a Community and choose Manage Pages from the menu.

    In this example, choose the 'cms' Community.

  5. Click the Settings tab, and enable the Activate Staging option.

    The community is staged to the production environment.

  6. Choose My Places from the Welcome menu and navigate to a page on the community.

    A live page for 'cms' is displayed.

  7. To view the staged page, choose Staging -> View Staged Page from the Welcome menu.

  8. To publish the page to live, choose Staging -> Publish to Live from the Welcome menu.

  9. To view the live page, choose Staging -> View Live Page from the Welcome menu.

    The Publish To Live window appears.

  10. Select the pages you want to publish and click Publish.

    A dialog box with the message “Are you sure you want to publish these pages?” appears.

  11. Click OK to publish the selected pages.