Sun GlassFish Web Space Server 10.0 Administration Guide

Enabling the Guest Users to Select a Browser Language

Guest users can select their preferred browser language.

ProcedureTo Enable Guest Users to Select a Browser Language

  1. Create a temporary folder, named test.

    mkdir /tmp/test

  2. Copy portal-impl.jar to the tmp folder.

    portal-impl.jar contains language resource bundles for Web Space Server. This JAR file is located in the GlassFish install-dir/domains/domain1/application/j2ee-modules/webspace/WEB-INF/lib/ directory.

    cd GlassFish-install-dir/domains/domain1/application/j2ee-modules

    cp webspace/WEB-INF/lib/portal-impl.jar /tmp/test

  3. Change to the tmpdirectory.

    cd /tmp/test

  4. Extract the portal-impl.jar file.

    jar -xvf portal-impl.jar

    The file will be placed in the current directory.

  5. Open and copy the locale.default.request property from the Languages and Time Zones section.

  6. If does exist in Web Space Server then paste the locale.default.request property into it. Otherwise, create a text file (using any text editor) and name it as, and paste the locale.default.request property into it.

    Default location of is GlassFish home/applications/j2ee-modules/webspace/WEB-INF/classes/

  7. Set the property to locale.default.request=true.

  8. Save the file.

  9. Create a directory structure webspace/WEB-INF/classes/ under ZIP_ROOT/webspace-for-gfv2/var/webspace/war-workspace/customs, and copy the file to it.

  10. Change to the ZIP_ROOT/webspace-for-gfv2/var/webspace/war-workspacedirectory.

    cd ZIP_ROOT/webspace-for-gfv2/var/webspace/war-workspace

  11. Run ant -f synchronize.xml.

  12. Restart the GlassFish server.

    It will redeploy websynergy.war and update under applications/j2ee-modules/webspace/WEB-INF/classes. Clear browser cookies before accessing Web Space Server interface to allow the changes to take effect.