Sun GlassFish Web Space Server 10.0 Administration Guide

ProcedureTo Virtual Host a Page on a Community

  1. Log in to Sun GlassFish Web Space Server as the admin user.

  2. Navigate to Control Panel -> Portal -> Communities from the Welcome menu.

    All existing Communities are listed.

  3. Click the Actions button corresponding to a selected Community and choose Manage Pages from the menu.

    In this example, click the actions button corresponding to the Guest community.

  4. Click the Settings tab.

  5. Click the Virtual Host tab.

  6. Specify a Friendly URL.

    In this example, guest is the default friendly URL. You can change it to something else, say friendly-guest.

    Figure 4–8 Virtual Hosting Using the Friendly URL

    Virtual Hosting Using the Friendly URL

  7. Click Save.

  8. To view the public page, click the Public Pages tab.

  9. Click the View Pages button.

    The public page for the Community opens in a separate browser with its virtual hosting URL. Similarly, you can view the virtually hosted private pages of the Community.