Sun GlassFish Web Space Server 10.0 Update Series Release Notes

Chapter 4 Known Issues and Limitations

This chapter describes the known issues and limitations in Sun GlassFish Web Space Server 10.0 Update 6, Update 5, Update 4, Update 3, Update 2, and Service Pack 1 releases.

When you are using Web Space Server in a clustered environment, it is recommended to use the enterprise version of GlassFish 2.1 patch 2 or later.

Note –

The Workflow portlet available with Web Space Server evaluation bundle is enabled for SAW. For using the workflow feature, you are recommended to extract the Workflow portlet from the evaluation bundle, and deploy it.

Web Space Server do not support the Workflow portlet available in the Liferay repository, which is not SAW enabled.

The following sections list the Known Issues and limitations in all Web Space Server 10.0 Update Series releases:

Known Issues and Limitations in Update 6

The following are the known issues and limitations in Sun GlassFish Web Space Server 10.0 update 6. This release supports installing Web Space Server on WebLogic server.

Tip –

When weblogic is running in production mode, there is an additional step to actually Start the application. All the WAR files deployed on WebLogic in production mode need to be started manually. After you install Web Space Server on WebLogic server, select the deployed application (Web Space Server) from Deployments screen in the admin console, and click on the Start button. This will start the Web Space Server application.

Workaround for making WSRP/ruon/other portlets/webs to work on WebLogic


Use the below instructions to make WSRP portlet/ruon to work on WebLogic.

  1. Install Web Space Server on WebLogic server.

  2. Browse http://<WebLogic server name>:7001/console and login to WebLogic admin console.

  3. Select your domain.

  4. Select the Web Applications tab.

  5. Select the optimistic serialization checkbox.

  6. Save changes, and restart WebLogic Server.

Portlets do not get rendered through WSRP on WebLogic


If you install Web Space Server on WebLogic 10.3 and deploy the WSRP portlet on it, portlets do not get rendered through WSRP.


Use WebLogic 10.3.1 (11g) install.

Update Tool does not work on Linux, if security enhanced feature is on


Update Center issue 1211:

This is a known issue in UC 2.2.

During the deployment of saw-web.war on WebLogic, SQL syntax error occurs sometimes


When such an error occurs, restart the database and the application server, and redeploy saw-web. There is no need for creating the database again.

When Web Space Server (running on WebLogic) is deployed on Oracle 11g, no dialect found error occurs


Add hibernate.dialect=org.hibernate.dialect.Oracle10gDialect property to the file. This step is not required, while deploying Web Space Server on Oracle 10g.

Some minor issues noticed while running Web Space Server on WebLogic:

Known Issues and Limitations in Update 5

The following are the known issues and limitations in Sun GlassFish Web Space Server 10.0 update 5.

SharePoint Metadata stored in 'tmp' folder is readable on Windows platform


During data migration from SharePoint, crawler stores the metadata information in tmp folder. In case of Windows platform, this data is not getting deleted, and can be read by users.


For the Windows platform, manually change the read permissions for the tmp folder, so that only an administrator can view the data in the tmp folder.

Installer hangs indefinitely at undeploy stage (only if JCRHook is used for Document Library)


Installing updates on Web Space Server FCS version (10.0.0) fails, when Document Library is configured to use Jackrabbit (JCRHook), and Jackrabbit is configured to use database instead of File System. The installer hangs indefinitely, at the stage of undeploying webspace.war files.


Use the following workaround:

Before applying updates, delete the following properties from the file under j2ee-modules/webspace/WEB-INF/classes and restart GlassFish.



Known Issues and Limitations in Update 3

The following are the known issues and limitations in Sun GlassFish Web Space Server 10.0 update 3.

Installation Issues

The Sun GlassFish Web Space Server does not get installed when you use Application Server 9.1.1 Enterprise Edition as the web container.


When you install Application Server 9.1.1 Enterprise Edition and run the install.xml file from, you will get the following exception.

   [mkdir] Created dir: /var/tmp/root/websynergyinstall

    [exec] CLI168 Could not delete the following jvm options. Options do not exist:
    [exec] -client
    [exec] CLI137 Command delete-jvm-options failed.
    [exec] Result: 1
    [exec] CLI167 Could not create the following jvm options. Options exist:
    [exec] -server
    [exec] CLI137 Command create-jvm-options failed.
    [exec] Result: 1
		portletcontainer = WARNING
    [echo] Stopping GlassFish...
    [echo] Execute /opt/SUNWappserver/bin/asadmin stop-domain if install hangs.
    [exec] Domain domain1 stopped.

Perform the following steps to install Sun GlassFish Web Space Server on Application Server 9.1.1 Enterprise Edition:

  1. Install the Application Server 9.1.1 Enterprise Edition.

  2. Download and unzip the bundle.

  3. Add the following code to the server.policy file.

    grant codeBase "file:${com.sun.aas.instanceRoot}/lib/-" {
    // permissions for Webspace
    grant codeBase "file:${com.sun.aas.instanceRoot}/applications
    /j2ee-modules/webspace/-" {
    grant codeBase "file:${com.sun.aas.instanceRoot}/applications
    /j2ee-modules/saw-web/-" {
    // Basic set of required permissions granted to all remaining code
    grant {
    permission java.lang.reflect.ReflectPermission "suppressAccessChecks";
  4. Update the file (available at webspace-for-gfv2/webspace/application/distribution/deploy/webspace/WEB-INF/classes/) with the following code:

    Note –

    You only need to add the above code in the file if the value of the security-enabled property is true.

  5. Run the ant -f install.xml command from the ws_install_dir/webspace/application directory.

Harmless warning messages appear when you run install Sun GlassFish Web Space Server on Application Server 9.1.1 Enterprise Edition.


When you run the install.xml script from Web Space Server core bundle on Application Server 9.1.1 Enterprise Edition, you will get the following warning messages, which are not harmful to your installation.

     [exec] CLI168 Could not delete the following jvm options. Options do not exist:
     [exec] -client
     [exec] CLI137 Command delete-jvm-options failed.
     [exec] Result: 1
     [exec] CLI167 Could not create the following jvm options. Options exist:
     [exec] -server
     [exec] CLI137 Command create-jvm-options failed.
     [exec] Result: 1
		 portletcontainer = WARNING
     [echo] Stopping GlassFish...
     [echo] Execute /opt/SUNWappserver//bin/asadmin stop-domain if install hangs.
     [exec] Domain domain1 stopped.

The reason for these harmless warning messages is that when the installer tries to update the JVM options in GlassFish, asadmin may output warnings about JVM options that it cannot change. For example, the installer tries to replace -client with -server. However, on Application Server 9.2 Enterprise Edition, -client has already been replaced with -server. So asadmin will output warning that it cannot find a -client to remove and that it cannot add -server since it is already present.

Using the Apache Ant that ships with the GlassFish web container causes error while you run the asadmin start-domain command.


If the version of the Apache Ant that ships with the GlassFish web container is in your installation path, then the ./asdamin start-domain command will fail to execute and you cannot deploy Web Space Server.


Download Apache Ant 1.7 or later version and place it in the installation path. In addition, ANT_HOME must point to the directory in which you have installed the downloaded Apache Ant 1.7 or later version.

All the Sun GlassFish Web Space Server WAR files failed to deploy on Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL)and SUSE Linux versions.


When you install the Sun GlassFish Web Space Server with GlassFish web container on the RHEL and SUSE Linux operating system versions, not all the WAR files are deployed. This issue occurs when the maximum limit for open files is not sufficient to deploy the WAR files.


To increase the maximum limit for open files on the RHEL and SUSE Linux versions:

  1. Add the following two lines to the /etc/security/limits.conf file:

    • * soft nofile 5000

    • * hard nofile 5000

  2. Restart the system.

The existing parameters in the file prevent the installation of Sun GlassFish Web Space Server on a second web container instance.


When you install the Web Space Server on the GlassFish Web container and try to install again on another Web container, you will not be prompted to enter new parameters for the second instance. The installation procedure in the second instance considers the parameters that are already provided in the first instance. This issue prevents the installation of Web Space Server on a second Web container instance.


Remove the file from the ../etc/webspace/application/ directory and install the Sun GlassFish Web Space Server on a second Web container instance.

GlassFishRegistration Portlet Issue

The GlassFishRegistration portlet in Sun GlassFish Web Space Server does not work with JDK1.6


When you register for a new account in the GlassFishRegistration portlet in Web Space Server, you will get the following error message.

An error has occured while processing your request
Error Details :
The certificate chain from the server is not trusted

Restart the GlassFish server for the registration to work.

Localization Issues

Multi Lingual version of GlassFish V2 needs to be shipped with the Sun GlassFish Web Space Server


The Image Packaging System (IPS) needs to be updated with the multilingual package of GlassFish V2, which can then be picked up by Web Space Server. This allows a user to use the Administration console and other features in GlassFish V2 in the native language.


These are the two options to solve this issue:

  • When the multilingual packages are available in the GlassFish Update Center, you can use the IPS update to update the GlassFish install with multilingual features.

  • You can download and install the multilingual version of GlassFish V2 and then install Web Space Server.

Multi Lingual labels of Tag name and Search option are corrupted in the WebContent, Wiki, and Blog portlets.


The multilingual labels of Tag nameand Categories that are available in the WebContent, Wiki, and Blog portlets are corrupted.


Create the Tag name and Categories in English.

Other Known Issues

To enable the Map and IPGeocoder portlets, you need to install MaxmindGeoIP city or GeoLite City.


When you add the Map and IPGeocoder portlets to a portal page, a message appears in both the portlets to install and configure MaxmindGeoIP city or GeoLite City.

Known Issues and Limitations in Update 2

The following are the known issues specific to the Web Space Server Update 2 release. Known issues from SP1 and 10.0 releases are also applicable.

Installing Web Space Server on GlassFish EE


Web Space Server can only be installed on GlassFish 2.1 EE because only the EE version can be upgraded to GlassFish 2.1 patch 01. GlassFish 2.1 can be patched to GlassFish 2.1 patch 01 only if GlassFish 2.1 is an Enterprise Edition server (EE version and not jar based installer).


Customers must use the EE version to make clustering possible .

Exception "Error Reading image 10184" thrown while logging in as admin


When using the drop-down list in the Sample Users portlet, and while logging in as any user (for example, admin user), an "Error Reading image 10184" exception is thrown. The exception occurs once after restart, but no broken images are noticed yet.

ANT_HOME is required to be set for installing Web Space Server on a cluster


In case of a cluster installation in which the deploy war option is set to false, the install-gfv2.xml Ant script does not run if ANT_HOME is not set (even if Ant is set in PATH). However, in case of non—cluster installations, ANT_HOME is not required if Ant is in the PATH.

Known Issues and Limitations in Service Pack 1

The following are the known issues specific to the Web Space Server 10.0 Service Pack 1 (SP1) release. Known issues for the 10.0 release are also applicable.

The previous content is not visible when you apply a patch (Service Pack) on an instance using HSQL database


Add some content, such as documents and images, using the Content Management feature on Web Space Server 10.0 installed on an HSQL database. After applying the SP1 patch, the previous content is no longer visible.


If you are applying a patch, it is better if the Web Space Server instance is running on a database that can be used in the production environment. If you are using HSQL, the lportal script is recreated on undeploy/deploy of webspace.war. When you apply the SP1 patch on Web Space Server 10.0, webspace.war is redeployed and a new directory structure is created for lportal files. This causes the perception that the previous data is lost.

In Web Space Server 10.0, HSQL data is put under domain1/config. After applying the SP1 patch, the location for the HSQL data changes to var/webspace/data/hsql, which gives the impression that the database is being reset, as the old data is stored under domain1/config.

HSQL database is ideally suited for quick evaluation of the product. When you are in a real-time production environment, it is recommended that you use MySQL or Oracle 10g. No data is lost when you apply a patch on an instance using MySQL or Oracle 10g.

The following is a workaround to retrieve the previous data after applying the SP1 patch on a Web Space Server 10.0 instance using an HSQL database:

  1. Move the lportal files which are under the domain1/config directory to the var/webspace/data/hsql directory.

  2. Restart GlassFish.

When you access the Web Space Server instance again, all the data that was available in the older installation is visible.

OpenSSO Add-On installation via Update Center fails if the SP1 patch is not applied


The OpenSSO Add-On available from the Update Center has a dependency on the SP1 patch. When you try installing the OpenSSO Add-On from Update Center 2.1, the installation fails if the SP1 patch has not been installed.


Apply the Web Space Server SP1 patch before installing the OpenSSO add-on from the Update Center.