Sun GlassFish Web Space Server 10.0 Update Series Release Notes

Bugs Fixed and Other Notes for Service Pack 1

This section lists the bugs fixed in Web Space Server 10.0 Service Pack 1 (SP1). In addition, this section also lists several other notes regarding SP1.

Fixed Bugs

This section lists the bugs fixed in Web Space Server 10.0 SP1.

Need to sync with Liferay 5.2.1 (Bug ID: 6810345)


Need to synchronize with version 25766 of Liferay 5.2.x branch, which corresponds to Liferay 5.2.1.


After applying the SP1 patch, the version file under <webspace_install_dir>\var\webspace shows:




Tunnel-Web authentication of users do not work when Web Space Server is configured with OpenSSO (Bug ID: 6778779)


Anything that uses tunnel-web user authentication does not work when Web Space Server is configured to use OpenSSO. For example, when OpenSSO is installed, users cannot load/store documents using the OpenOffice plugin.


After applying the SP1 patch, perform the following steps to verify tunnel-web authentication:

  1. Access http://<machine-name>:8080/tunnel-web/secure/axis

  2. Provide the user name and password set using OpenSSO.

  3. You can verify the web services after successful authentication.

On adding a workflow definition file, you can view it only when you click the “Search Definition” button (Bug ID: 6798724)


When a workflow definition file is added using the Workflow portlet, the file gets added, but the portlet does not display it by default, and the user must click the Search Definition button to view the workflow definition file.


On applying the SP1 patch, the Workflow portlet displays all the workflow definition files which are configured for display. The issue got resolved when new Portlet Container jars were added to fix CR 6808979.

Incorrect logging during event propagation (Bug ID: 6799513)


Two portlets communicating with each other results in event generation. Consider a scenario involving two portlets, P1 and P2:

  1. P1 sends an event to P2.

  2. P2 process the event, and sends an event back to P1 in the event processing phase of P2.

After the event propagation from P1->P2 and P2->P1, the log states “Maximum event generation: 3 reached. No more events will be sent.


Apply the SP1 patch to address the issue of incorrect logging during event propagation. The issue got resolved when new Portlet Container jars were added to fix CR 6808979.

Multi-Lingual Version of GlassFish V2 needs to be shipped (Bug ID: 6798987)


The multilingual version of GlassFish v2 needs to be bundled along with Web Space Server to allow localized customers to use the Admin console and other features of GlassFish in their language.


Web Space Server evaluation bundles that include GlassFish are not supported. You can install core Web Space Server on a multilingual version of GlassFish v2.

Web-form portlet does not work on Sun Portlet Container (Bug ID: 6808979)


When you build and deploy web-form-portlet on Liferay with Sun Portlet Container, it throws an exception.


Apply the SP1 patch. The fix in Liferay is accepted and ported to Liferay 5.2.x branch, and synchronized with Web Space Server.

A guest user can view the portlets on the public page of another user, even when the guest user has no view permissions for the same (Bug ID: 6808452)


A guest user (an user who do not have a login account) can view the portlets on the public page of another user, even when the guest user has no view permissions for the same.


Apply SP1 patch. The issue is fixed in Liferay, and ported to Web Space Server.

Core installer doesn't take Oracle hostname, port and database name inputs (Bug ID: 6808623)


When Web Space Server is installed on Oracle 10g, the database host, database port, and database names are hard-coded. Users will not have the flexibility of choosing a host name, port number, and database names.


Apply the SP1 patch on a Web Space Server instance installed on Oracle 10g.

OpenSSO add-on install-gfv2.xml will create duplicate web.xml entries if template files are not renamed (Bug ID: 6812514)


The OpenSSO Add-On should be installed only after renaming *.template to *.properties files (Example, ->, and ensuring the and files are present.


You can install the OpenSSO Add-On without this additional step after installing the SP1 patch.

HSQL data goes into domain/config directory (Bug ID: 6805773)


If var/webspace/data is the directory for all data, then the HSQL data should also go there for consistency.


After applying the SP1 patch, HSQL data goes into the var/webspace/data/hsql directory.

bin/pkg bootstrap wrapper missing from install bundle (Bug ID: 6803670)


The Web Space Server 10.0 download bundle for MacOS that includes GlassFish v2.1 does not include the "bin/pkg" wrapper script. This wrapper script is useful because it enables the CLI (Command Line Interface) to easily bootstrap the pkg(5) client environment without also downloading the Update Tool GUI and its dependencies.


Apply the SP1 patch.

OpenSSO exceptions are raised on every login after installing the OpenSSO add-on (Bug ID: 6812509)


After installing the OpenSSO Add-On, OpenSSO exceptions are encountered at every login.


Install the add-on after installing the SP1 patch.

Scripts fail badly when Ant 1.6.5 (default Ant version for GlassFish) is used (Bug ID: 6812482)


Scripts fail badly when using an Ant version prior to 1.7.0. Users need to be reminded that the ANT_HOME environment variable must be set to the location of Ant 1.7.0 or higher version. If this variable is not explicitly set, the scripts will use the older, incompatible version of Ant included by default with GlassFish.


After applying the SP1 patch, an error message is shown if the available Ant version is less than 1.7.0.

Issues Tracked on JIRA

The following are the Liferay issues tracked on JIRA. All the below issues are resolved by the SP1 patch.

Owner of a document cannot add discussion to it (LPS-1169)


If the following are the permissions for a document:

  • Owner - View, Update, Add Discussion

  • Some Other Role (other than the Owner) - View, Update, Add Discussion

Owner does not have “Add reply” links.

When you add answer options to a poll question in the Poll application, an additional answer option is added with the description of the poll question (LPS-1298)


Try the following steps:

  1. Log in and add the Polls application to your page.

  2. Add a Poll, and enter a poll question and a poll description.

  3. Add three poll answers.

You will notice that an additional poll answer is added taking the description of the poll question as one of the answers.

Success message is displayed for a failure operation (LPS-1380)


Try the following steps:

  1. Create a parent folder in the Image Gallery/Document Library.

  2. Edit the folder and select the option as "Merge with parent folder".

A message such as "Your request processed successfully" is displayed. Ideally, it should throw an exception, such as "You can't merge with the parent folder."

Random Bible Verse portlet may show cross references (LPS-1634)


Random Bible Verse portlet may show cross references.

Add Web Content to newly added portlet makes portlet vanish (LPS-1778)


Try the following steps:

  1. Perform a fresh Web Space Server installation.

  2. Add a new user with community admin rights on a “Guest” community.

  3. Log in as this user and add a new page to the “Guest” community.

  4. Add a Web Content Display portlet to this page.

  5. Press Add Web Content button for the newly added portlet.

  6. Fill in some text in the article and click Save.

Expected results: Return to the page with a web content portlet saying "The article is not approved,"

Actual results: The page is empty, the portlet is gone.

Export calendar events saves as .ics.html in Safari (LPS-1820)


Events on the Calendar application are exported in .ics format, but when exporting Events on Safari, they are saved as .ics.html files (with .html appended to the file extension).

Captcha image doesn't show up if using the portal/login_captcha url (LPS-1840)


Captcha image doesn't show up if you are using the portal/login_captcha url.

TunnelServlet needs to be more specific about which classes it'll execute (LPS-1842)


It is necessary to ensure that class names are Service HTTP classes.

Plugins dependency management (LPS-1855)


There are scenarios where one plugin should not load unless another plugin is already loaded. Modify to manage plugin dependency.

Newly added shopping fields are being automatically filled in with incorrect data (LPS-1856)


Newly added shopping fields are being automatically filled in with incorrect data.

Cookies set in processAction cannot be retrieved in render in Sun Portlet Container implementation (LPS-1865)


Try the following steps:

  1. Set a cookie using response.addProperty (cookie) in processAction.

  2. Retrieve the cookie using request.getCookies() in render.

Issue: The cookie set in processAction is not seen. This issue is seen in the Sun Portlet Container implementation.

Sprite generation on startup fails with large exception (LPS-1866)


Sprite generation on startup fails with a large exception.

Lucene exceptions occur during verification stage when starting with a clean index (LPS-1880)


When the verification stage is processing data that performs index updates, those updates can throw exceptions because the LuceneServlet initializes only after the main servlet has completely initialized.

Upgrade process for UpgradeDocumentLibrary fails for Oracle (LPS-1885)


The SQL within UpgradeDocumentLibrary fails due to an invalid query. Oracle expects a string for portletId within the SQL query of doUpgrade().

Open Sourcing of OpenOffice Plugins

OpenOffice plugin is open-sourced in the project.