Oracle OpenSSO 8.0 Update 2 Release Notes

Before You Begin

Be sure you have access to the following components before you attempt to install OpenSSO 8.0 Update 2 for integration with Oracle Access Manager:

This zip file contains the opensso.war file, integration source code, configuration files and other tools that are required for OpenSSO 8.0 Update 2 installation and configuration.

OpenSSO Agent

The OpenSSO Agent is used when an application protected by OpenSSO can actually use the authentication session established by Oracle Access Manager.

Oracle Access Manager 10g or 11g

Download Oracle Access Manager from Oracle web site. See the page.

Oracle Web Gate 10g or 11g

Download Oracle Webgate for a container that is supported by both OpenSSO and Oracle Webgate. At this time, Sun Web Server 7.x is the only container that is supported by both the products.

See the

Oracle Access Manager SDK 10g or 11g

Download Oracle Access Manager. The SDK is required to compile and build OpenSSO Authentication Modules for Oracle Access Manager integration.

See the See the page

OpenSSO C-SDK 2.2

(Optional) The OpenSSO C-SDK is required for creating an authentication module in Oracle Access Manager itself to generate an OAM session. This may not be a common use case from OpenSSO perspective. See Where is the C SDK? in Sun OpenSSO Enterprise 8.0 C API Reference for Application and Web Policy Agent Developers