Oracle OpenSSO 8.0 Update 2 Release Notes

ProcedureTo Build the Source Files for Oracle Access Manager

  1. Run the following command:

    cd $openssozipdir/integrations/oracle; ant -f build.xml

    This command builds source files and generates fam_oam_integration.jar into the $openssozipdir/integrations/oracle/dist directory.

  2. Bundle the authentication module into the OpenSSO WAR file.

    1. Create a temporary directory and unwar the opensso.war. Example:

      # mkdir /export/tmp
      # cd /export/tmp
      # jar -xvf opensso.war

      From now on, /export/tmp is used as a WAR staging area, and is represented with a marco $WAR_DIR.

    2. Copy $openssozipdir/integrations/oracle/dist/fam_oam_integration.jar to $WAR_DIR/WEB-INF/lib.

    3. Copy $openssozipdir/integrations/oracle/config/ to $WAR_DIR/WEB-INF/classes.

    4. Copy $openssozipdir/integrations/oracle/config/OblixAuthModule.xml to $WAR_DIR/config/auth/default, and also to the directory $WAR_DIR/config/auth/default_en.

    5. Re-war opensso.war using jar cvf opensso.war from $WAR_DIR.