Oracle OpenSSO 8.0 Update 2 Release Notes

Oracle OpenSSO Fedlet Configuration

This section describes how to initially configure the Fedlet with a service provider application:

After you finish the initial configuration for the Fedlet, continue with any additional configuration you want to perform. Several considerations are:

ProcedureTo Configure the Java Fedlet

  1. On the identity provider side, generate the XML metadata for the identity provider and save the metadata in a file named idp.xml.

    For Oracle OpenSSO 8.0 Update 2, use exportmetadata.jsp. For example:
  2. On the service provider side, unzip the Fedlet ZIP file (if necessary).

  3. Create the Fedlet home directory, which is the directory where the Fedlet reads its metadata, circle of trust, and configuration properties files.

    The default location is the fedlet subdirectory under the home directory of the user running the Fedlet web container (indicated by the user.home JVM property). For example, if this home directory is /home/webservd, the Fedlet home directory is:


    To change the Fedlet default home directory, set the value of the JVM run-time com.sun.identity.fedlet.home property to the desired location. For example:


    The Fedlet then reads its metadata, circle of trust, and configuration files from the /export/fedlet/conf directory.

  4. Copy the following files from the Java Fedlet java/conf directory to the Fedlet home directory:

    • sp.xml-template

    • sp-extended.xml-template

    • idp-extended.xml-template

    • fedlet.cot-template

  5. In the Fedlet home directory, rename the files you copied and drop -template from each name.

  6. In the files you copied and renamed in the Fedlet home directory, replace the tags as shown in the next table:


    Replace With 


    Name of the circle of trust (COT) of which the remote identity provider and the Java Fedlet service provider application are members. 


    ID (name) of the Java Fedlet service provider application. For example: fedletsp


    Protocol of the web container for the Java Fedlet service provider application (such as fedlet.war). For example: https


    Host name of the web container for the Java Fedlet service provider application (such as fedlet.war). For example:


    Port number of the web container for the Java Fedlet service provider application (such as fedlet.war). For example: 80


    URL of the Java Fedlet service provider application. For example:


    ID (name) of the remote identity provider. For example: openssoidp

    Note: If the Fedlet service provider or identity provider entity ID contains a percent sign (%) or comma (,), you must escape the character before replacing it in the fedlet.cot file. For example, change ”%” to ”%25" and ”," to ”%2C”.

  7. Copy the file from the Java Fedlet java/conf directory to the Fedlet home directory.

  8. Copy the identity provider standard metadata XML file (from Step 1) to the Fedlet home directory. This file must be named idp.xml.

  9. Import the Java Fedlet XML metadata file (sp.xml) into the identity provider.

    For Oracle OpenSSO 8.0 Update 2, use the Register Remote Service Provider work flow under Common Tasks in the OpenSSO 8.0 Administration Console to import the Java Fedlet service provider metadata and to add the Java Fedlet service provider to a circle of trust.

Next Steps

Depending on your requirements, continue with any additional configuration for the Java Fedlet.

ProcedureTo Configure the .NET Fedlet

  1. On the identity provider side, generate the XML metadata for the identity provider and save the metadata in a file named idp.xml.

    For Oracle OpenSSO 8.0 Update 2, use exportmetadata.jsp. For example:
  2. On the service provider side, unzip the Fedlet ZIP file (if necessary).

  3. Copy the following files from the .NET Fedlet folder to your application's App_Data folder:

    • sp.xml-template

    • sp-extended.xml-template

    • idp-extended.xml-template

    • fedlet.cot-template

  4. In the App_Data folder, rename the files you copied and drop -template from each name.

  5. In the files you copied and renamed in the App_Data folder, replace the tags as shown in the next table:


    Replace With 


    Name of the circle of trust (COT) of which the remote identity provider and the .NET Fedlet service provider application are members. 


    ID (name) of the .NET Fedlet service provider application. For example: fedletsp


    URL of the .NET Fedlet service provider application. For example:


    ID (name) of the remote identity provider. For example: openssoidp

  6. Copy the identity provider standard metadata XML file (from Step 1) to your application's App_Data folder. This file must be named idp.xml.

  7. Copy the Fedlet.dll and the Fedlet.dll.config files from the .NET Fedlet folder to the application's bin folder.

  8. Import the .NET Fedlet XML metadata file (sp.xml) into the identity provider.

    For Oracle OpenSSO 8.0 Update 2, use the Register Remote Service Provider work flow under Common Tasks in the OpenSSO 8.0 Administration Console to import the .NET Fedlet service provider metadata and to add the .NET Fedlet service provider to a circle of trust.

Next Steps

Depending on your requirements, continue with any additional configuration for the .NET Fedlet.