Oracle OpenSSO 8.0 Update 2 Release Notes

ProcedureTo Patch a Specialized OpenSSO WAR

Before You Begin

The existing specialized WAR file and the OpenSSO 8.0 update 2 specialized WAR file should already be created.

Note –

In the following example, the directory zip-root is the root directory for the unzipped contents of the currently deployed WAR file. The directory /u2 is the root directory for the unzipped contents of the upgraded version that will be deployed.

  1. Create a manifest file for the existing specialized OpenSSO WAR.

    1. Run ssopatch to create the OpenSSO manifest file.


      # cd /u2/opensso/tools/patch
      # ./ssopatch -o zip-root/opensso/deployable-war/distauth.war --manifest 

      where opensso.war is an existing OpenSSO WAR file. The ssopatch utility creates a new manifest file named manifest in the /tmp directory.

    2. To allow the WAR file to be patched, copy this new manifest file to the META-INF directory inside the opensso.war file.


      # cd zip-root/opensso/deployable-war
      # mkdir META-INF
      # cp /tmp/OpenSSO.manifest META-INF
      # jar uf distauth.war META-INF/OpenSSO.manifest
      # rm -rf /tmp/OpenSSO.manifest
  2. Generate a manifest file for the updated specialized WAR file.


    # cd /u2/opensso/tools/patch
    # ./ssopatch -o /u2/opensso/deployable-war/distauth.war 
    --manifest /tmp/OpenSSO.manifest 
    cd ../../deployable-war
    # mkdir META-INF
    # cp /tmp/OpenSSO.manifest META-INF
    # jar uf distauth.war META-INF/OpenSSO.manifest
    # rm -rf /tmp/OpenSSO.manifest
  3. Use the ssopatch utility to compare your old and new WAR files.


    # cd /u2/opensso/tools/patch
    # ./ssopatch -o zip-root/opensso/deployable-war/distauth.war 
    -c /u2/opensso/deployable-war/distauth.war -override
  4. Generate a staging area for the new specialized WAR file.


    # cd /tmp/customized_staging
    # jar cvf /patched/distauth.war *
  5. Redeploy the /patched/distauth.war file to the web container using the original deploy URI.

    Example, /distauth.