The Java EE 5 Tutorial

Customization Syntax

The syntax for the four types of JAXB binding declarations, as well as the syntax for the XML-to-Java data type binding declarations and the customization namespace prefix, are described below.

Global Binding Declarations

Global scope customizations are declared with <globalBindings>. The syntax for global scope customizations is as follows:

    [ collectionType = "collectionType" ]
    [ fixedAttributeAsConstantProperty    = "true" | "false" | "1" | "0" ]
    [ generateIsSetMethod    = "true" | "false" | "1" | "0" ]
    [ enableFailFastCheck = "true" | "false" | "1" | "0" ]
    [ choiceContentProperty = "true" | "false" | "1" | "0" ]
    [ underscoreBinding = "asWordSeparator" | "asCharInWord" ]
    [ typesafeEnumBase = "typesafeEnumBase" ]
    [ typesafeEnumMemberName = "generateName" | "generateError" ]
    [ enableJavaNamingConventions = "true" | "false" | "1" | "0" ]
    [ bindingStyle = "elementBinding" | "modelGroupBinding" ]
    [ <javaType> ... </javaType> ]*

<globalBindings> declarations are only valid in the annotation element of the top-level schema element. There can only be a single instance of a <globalBindings> declaration in any given schema or binding declarations file. If one source schema includes or imports a second source schema, the <globalBindings> declaration must be declared in the first source schema.

Schema Binding Declarations

Schema scope customizations are declared with <schemaBindings>. The syntax for schema scope customizations is:

    [ <package> package </package> ]
    [ <nameXmlTransform> ... </nameXmlTransform> ]*
<package [ name = "packageName" ]
    [ <javadoc> ... </javadoc> ]

    [ <typeName [ suffix="suffix" ]
                [ prefix="prefix" ] /> ]
    [ <elementName [ suffix="suffix" ]
                   [ prefix="prefix" ] /> ]
    [ <modelGroupName [ suffix="suffix" ]
                      [ prefix="prefix" ] /> ]
    [ <anonymousTypeName [ suffix="suffix" ]
                         [ prefix="prefix" ] /> ]

As shown above, <schemaBinding> declarations include two subcomponents:

Class Binding Declarations

The <class> binding declaration enables you to customize the binding of a schema element to a Java content interface or a Java Element interface. <class> declarations can be used to customize:

The syntax for <class> customizations is:

<class [ name = "className"]
   [ implClass= "implClass" ] >
   [ <javadoc> ... </javadoc> ]

Property Binding Declarations

The <property> binding declaration enables you to customize the binding of an XML schema element to its Java representation as a property. The scope of customization can either be at the definition level or component level depending upon where the <property> binding declaration is specified.

The syntax for <property> customizations is:

    [ name = "propertyName"]
    [ collectionType = "propertyCollectionType" ]
    [ fixedAttributeAsConstantProperty = "true" | "false" | "1" | "0" ]
    [ generateIsSetMethod = "true" | "false" | "1" | "0" ]
    [ enableFailFastCheck ="true" | "false" | "1" | "0" ]
    [ <baseType> ... </baseType> ]
    [ <javadoc> ... </javadoc> ]

    <javaType> ... </javaType>

javaType Binding Declarations

The <javaType> declaration provides a way to customize the translation of XML data types to and from Java data types. XML provides more data types than Java, and so the <javaType> declaration lets you specify custom data type bindings when the default JAXB binding cannot sufficiently represent your schema.

The target Java data type can be a Java built-in data type or an application-specific Java data type. If an application-specific data type is used as the target, your implementation must also provide parse and print methods for unmarshalling and marshalling data. To this end, the JAXB specification supports a parseMethod and printMethod:

If you prefer to define your own data type conversions, JAXB defines a static class, DatatypeConverter, to assist in the parsing and printing of valid lexical representations of the XML Schema built-in data types.

The syntax for the <javaType> customization is:

<javaType name= "javaType"
    [ xmlType= "xmlType" ]
    [ hasNsContext = "true" | "false" ]
    [ parseMethod= "parseMethod" ]
    [ printMethod= "printMethod" ]>

The <javaType> declaration can be used in:

See MyDatatypeConverter Class for an example of how <javaType> declarations and the DatatypeConverterInterface interface are implemented in a custom data type converter class.

Typesafe Enumeration Binding Declarations

The typesafe enumeration declarations provide a localized way to map XML simpleType elements to Java typesafe enum classes. There are two types of typesafe enumeration declarations you can make:

In both cases, there are two primary limitations on this type of customization:

The syntax for the <typesafeEnumClass> customization is:

    [ name = "enumClassName" ]
    [ <typesafeEnumMember> ... </typesafeEnumMember> ]*
    [ <javadoc> enumClassJavadoc </javadoc> ]

The syntax for the <typesafeEnumMember> customization is:

<typesafeEnumMember name = "enumMemberName">
                    [ value = "enumMemberValue" ]
    [ <javadoc> enumMemberJavadoc </javadoc> ]

For inline annotations, the <typesafeEnumClass> declaration must be specified in the annotation element of the <simpleType> element. The <typesafeEnumMember> must be specified in the annotation element of the enumeration member. This allows the enumeration member to be customized independently from the enumeration class.

For information about typesafe enum design patterns, see the sample chapter of Joshua Bloch’s Effective Java Programming on the Java Developer Connection.

javadoc Binding Declarations

The <javadoc> declaration lets you add custom Javadoc tool annotations to schema-derived JAXB packages, classes, interfaces, methods, and fields. Note that <javadoc> declarations cannot be applied globally; they are only valid as sub-elements of other binding customizations.

The syntax for the <javadoc> customization is:

    Contents in &lt;b>Javadoc&lt;\b> format.


    Contents in <b>Javadoc<\b> format

Note that documentation strings in <javadoc> declarations applied at the package level must contain <body> open and close tags; for example:

<jxb:package name="primer.myPo">
    <![CDATA[<body>Package level documentation for generated package primer.myPo.</body>]]>