Sun GlassFish Communications Server 1.5 Release Notes

Supported Platforms

All supported operating systems are 32-bit unless indicated otherwise. The 64-bit JDK is supported only on 64-bit supported operating systems.

The following table lists the operating systems with which the Sun GlassFish Communications Server is compatible.

Table 2–1 Supported Operating Systems

Operating System 

Minimum Memory 

Recommended Memory 

Minimum Disk Space 

Recommended Disk Space 


Deployment Type 

Sun Solaris 10 (x86)(32–bit and 64–bit) 

512 MB 

512 MB 

250 MB free 

500 MB free 

J2SE 5.0 - 32 bit 

Java SE 6 - 32 bit 


Sun Solaris 10 (SPARC)(32–bit and 64–bit) 

512 MB 

512 MB 

250 MB free 

500 MB free 

J2SE 5.0 - 32 bit 

Java SE 6 - 32 bit 


Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3.0 Update 1, 4.0, and 5.x (32-bit and 64-bit) 

512 MB 

1 GB 

250 MB free 

500 MB free 

J2SE 5.0 - 32 bit 

Java SE 6 - 32 bit 


SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 SP1(32–bit and 64–bit) 

512 MB 

1 GB 

250 MB free 

500 MB free 

J2SE 5.0 - 32 bit 

Java SE 6 - 32 bit 


Windows XP 

Windows Vista 

Windows 2008 

1 GB 

2 GB 

500 MB free 

1 GB free 

J2SE 5.0 - 32 bit 

Java SE 6 - 32 bit 


Macintosh OS 10.4, 10.5  

512 MB 

1 GB 

250 MB free 

500 MB free 

J2SE 5.0 - 32 bit 

Java SE 6 - 32 bit 


On UNIXTM, you can check your operating system version using the uname command. Disk space can be checked using the df command.

Note –

It is recommended that you use the NTFS file system rather than FAT or FAT32 when running the Communications Server on any Windows platform.