Sun GlassFish Communications Server 1.5 Release Notes

PreparedStatement errors (6170432)

Description 1

If an application generates more than 3000 PreparedStatement objects in one transaction, the following error may occur with DB2:

[sunm][DB2 JDBC Driver] No more available statements.Please recreate your package with a larger dynamicSections value.

Solution 1

Add following properties to the connection pool definition to get the driver to rebind DB2 packages with a larger dynamic sections value:

createDefaultPackage=true replacePackage=true dynamicSections=1000

See the Sun GlassFish Communications Server 1.5 Administration Guidefor details about configuring connection pools.

Description 2

Related to the PrepardStatement error above, another error message that may be thrown is:

[sunm][DB2 JDBC Driver][DB2]Virtual storage or database resource is not available.

Solution 2

Increase the DB2 server configuration parameter APPLHEAPSZ. A good value is 4096.

Description 3

Isolation level TRANSACTION_SERIALIZABLE. If your application uses isolation level TRANSACTION_SERIALIZABLE and uses one of the parameters suggested above, it might hang while obtaining a connection.

Solution 3

To set desired isolation level for a connection, the corresponding connection pool has to be created at that isolation level. See the Sun GlassFish Communications Server 1.5 Administration Guide for instructions.