Sun GlassFish Communications Server 1.5 Reference Manual
 schemagen ( Index Term Link )
 secure and administer Communications Server. ( Index Term Link )
 security ( Index Term Link )
 security credentials. ( Index Term Link )
 security service ( Index Term Link )
 server-side Java applications and Web services. ( Index Term Link )
 set ( Index Term Link )
 set-dcr-file ( Index Term Link )
 set-jbi-component-configuration ( Index Term Link )
 set-jbi-component-logger ( Index Term Link )
 set-jbi-runtime-configuration ( Index Term Link )
 set-jbi-runtime-logger ( Index Term Link )
 sets load balancing weights for clustered instances ( Index Term Link )
 sets the component configuration values for the given component ( Index Term Link )
 sets the JBI runtime configuration levels ( Index Term Link )
 sets the log levels for a logger in the JBI runtime ( Index Term Link )
 sets the log levels for the specified JBI component ( Index Term Link )
 sets the monitoring or maxhistorysize attributes of a deployed webservice ( Index Term Link )
 sets the values of attributes ( Index Term Link )
 show-component-status ( Index Term Link )
 show-jbi-application-configuration ( Index Term Link )
 show-jbi-binding-component ( Index Term Link )
 show-jbi-runtime-configuration ( Index Term Link )
 show-jbi-runtime-loggers ( Index Term Link )
 show-jbi-service-assembly ( Index Term Link )
 show-jbi-service-engine ( Index Term Link )
 show-jbi-shared-library ( Index Term Link )
 show-jbi-statistics ( Index Term Link )
 shows detailed information about a specified service assembly ( Index Term Link )
 shows detailed information about a specified shared library ( Index Term Link )
 shows detailed information about the specified binding component ( Index Term Link )
 shows detailed information about the specified service engine ( Index Term Link )
 shows the information for the specific application configuration ( Index Term Link )
 shows the JBI statistics filtered using the specified option values ( Index Term Link )
 shows the runtime configuration ( Index Term Link )
 shows the runtime loggers ( Index Term Link )
 shows the threads, classes and memory for a given target instance ( Index Term Link )
 shut-down-jbi-component ( Index Term Link )
 shut-down-jbi-service-assembly ( Index Term Link )
 shutdown ( Index Term Link )
 shuts down a JBI service assembly on the specified target ( Index Term Link )
 shuts down a service engine or a binding component on the specified target ( Index Term Link )
 start-appserv ( Index Term Link )
 start-callflow-monitoring -provides the complete call flow/path of a request. ( Index Term Link )
 start-cluster ( Index Term Link )
 start-database ( Index Term Link )
 start-domain ( Index Term Link )
 start-instance ( Index Term Link )
 start-jbi-component ( Index Term Link )
 start-jbi-service-assembly ( Index Term Link )
 start-node-agent ( Index Term Link )
 starts a cluster ( Index Term Link )
 starts a domain ( Index Term Link )
 starts a node agent ( Index Term Link )
 starts a server instance ( Index Term Link )
 starts a service assembly on the specified target ( Index Term Link )
 starts a service engine or a binding component on the specified target ( Index Term Link )
 starts the bundled Java DB ( Index Term Link )
 starts the domains in the specified domains directory ( Index Term Link )
 stop-appserv ( Index Term Link )
 stop-callflow-monitoring -Disables collection of call flow information. ( Index Term Link )
 stop-cluster ( Index Term Link )
 stop-database ( Index Term Link )
 stop-domain ( Index Term Link )
 stop-instance ( Index Term Link )
 stop-jbi-component ( Index Term Link )
 stop-jbi-service-assembly ( Index Term Link )
 stop-node-agent ( Index Term Link )
 stops a cluster ( Index Term Link )
 stops a node agent ( Index Term Link )
 stops a server instance ( Index Term Link )
 stops a service assembly on the specified target ( Index Term Link )
 stops a service engine or a binding component on the specified target ( Index Term Link )
 stops the bundled Java DB ( Index Term Link )
 stops the domains in the specified domains directory ( Index Term Link )
 stores the database metadata (schema) in a file for use in mapping and execution ( Index Term Link )
 syntax. ( Index Term Link )