Getting Started with the Java Dynamic Management Kit 4.0

Proxy MBeans

A proxy MBean (referred to as a client bean or c-bean in previous releases) represents the manager view of the managed MBean, where the manager has been developed using the remote MBean server interface. This interface makes the functionality of the MBean server available in the remote management application (also referred to as the manager) and lets the manager interact directly with the MBean server of the agent, or instantiate proxy MBeans to manipulate remote MBeans transparently.

The manager accesses an MBean by performing operations on the proxy MBean, which are then propagated to the MBean. These operations are:

A Proxy MBean is generated from an MBean by using the proxygen compiler, supplied with the Java Dynamic Management Kit. A proxy MBean can only be generated from a standard MBean and is created to mirror an existing MBean. Proxy MBeans are ideal when the management interface does not need to change over time, hence, where the attributes and operations available are stable.