Getting Started with the Java Dynamic Management Kit 4.0

Using The proxygen Compiler

The proxygen compiler takes the compiled Java class of an MBean and generates the Java interface and Java proxies of a proxy MBean. The Java proxies consist of Java source code that implements the interface. To develop a Java manager with code generated by proxygen, you call the operations of the proxy MBean's interface. This allows you to remotely manipulate the corresponding MBean on an agent.

Options of the proxygen compiler enable you to modify the characteristics of the proxies you generate from an MBean. For example, options are available that enable you to generate read-only or read-write proxies. By generating a set of stubs with different characteristics from the same MBean, you can develop a Java manager whose behavior is modified at runtime, depending on which stubs are loaded. For example, when the read-only stubs are loaded, the Java manager will not be able to modify properties in the MBean.

To start proxygen, type the command for your operating environment: