About this Help System


This is version 1.0 of the StorageTek L-Series Library Admin. Help. In this help system, you will find explanations of the many features in the Library Admin. The Library Admin. help system is a Web-based help system.

What is Web-based help?

WebHelp technology is a Help format that makes it possible to deliver fully functional HTML Help and Web content across platforms and browsers.

Recommended platforms and browsers for WebHelp:



Windows 2000

Internet Explorer 4.0 or later (Windows 2000 ships with IE 5.x)
Netscape Navigator 3.01 or later

Windows 98

Internet Explorer 4.0 or later (Windows 98 ships with IE 4.x)
Netscape Navigator 3.01 or later

Windows 95

Internet Explorer 3.0 or later
Netscape Navigator 3.01 or later

Windows NT 4

Internet Explorer 3.0 or later
Netscape Navigator: 3.01 or later

Windows 3.1*

Internet Explorer 4.0 or later
Netscape Navigator 3.04 or later


Internet Explorer 4.0 or later
Netscape Navigator 4.0 or later

UNIX platforms

Netscape Navigator 4.0 or later


Content of the Library Admin. Help System

When you click on the Help button (? button) from the Library Admin., WebHelp is launched.

Table of contents:

The Table of Contents tab functions much like a table of contents in a printed book. It presents a hierarchical outline of what the Library Admin. help system contains.


You also see an Index tab when you open the Library Admin. help system. The Index tab is equivalent to the index in a printed book. It displays a multilevel list of topics and keywords to direct you to topics.

Full-text search:

Another tab present in the Library Admin. help system is the Find or Search tab. Full-text search provides a way for you to search for particular words or phrases in the help topics.

Tips for using the Library Admin. help

< Maximize the window or resize it if you want while viewing Help.

< Click Print button at the bottom of the page is to print the current topic.

< Click > to go to the next topic in the browse sequence. Click < to go to the previous topic in the browse sequence.

< When you see a blue underline on certain words or phrases, clicking on it either displays a description of the term in a pop-up window, or a procedure in the main window. To close a pop-up, click inside the window.

< The "Related Topics" button provides a cross-reference to other help topics containing related subjects. Click on this button to easily locate more information within the same subject or topic grouping.

Limitations of Webhelp:

When viewing the Webhelp, you may expreince some issues depending on the browser you are using.

Internet Explorer 5.x

< Due to security issues, references to pages located at the root of any drive will not work properly. This includes references in the table of contents, the index, and within topics.

Netscape Navigator (all versions)

< Navigator cannot load Java applets from locations specified by UNC file names (for example, \\server\share\start.htm) on local area networks. This problem can be solved by mapping a drive letter to the share.

< Pop-ups text may be displayed in a secondary window instead of in a pop-up window.