Setting up Java Policy Permissions


Before using the Library Admin. to load code or save reports, you must use the policytool from Sun Microsystems to set appropriate permissions. Use of the policytool is required because the Library Admin., a Web interface, uses non-signed Java applets.

To set up permissions:

1. Create folders on your computer hard drive to save reports (for example, c:\reports) and load code (for example, c:\code).

2. To load code, download the appropriate code version from the following Web site on to your computer:

3. From your computer, launch the Java policytool. The Java policytool is located in the Java installation directory (for example, C:\jdk1.4.0_02\bin).

The file is called policytool in UNIX and policytool.exe in Microsoft® Windows®.

4. If you have already set up a policy file for the library, the policy file name with the full path is displayed. Click Edit Policy Entry.

If you don't have a policy file for the library:

a. An error window is displayed stating it Could not find policy file <path/filename>. Write down the full path and filename mentioned in the error window and click OK. This filename is used to save the policy in Step 10.

b. Click Add Policy Entry.

c. In the Policy Entry window type: http://<library IP>/ libconnect.jar in the CodeBase field, where library IP is the 12-digit library IP address (for example,

5. Click Add Permission.

6. From the Permissions pull down menu, select FilePermission.

7. Specify one of the following in the Target Name field:

< To load code from the Library Admin., type the full path and the name of the firmware file you downloaded to the hard drive (for example, C:/code/ firmware.prm).

< To save a report to your hard drive, type the full path and the name of the file you wish to save the report page to (for example, C:/report/report.txt).

Note: Independent of the operating system, use a forward slash when specifying the path for the filename.
Also, write down this path and filename; you have to enter this same path and filename when saving the report or loading code in the Admin.

8. From the Actions pull down, do one of the following:

a. Click Read for code download.

b. Click Write or write, read, write, delete, execute to save the report to a file.

c. Click OK.

9. Click Done.

10. Select File > Save to save the policy.

If an error was displayed when you launched the policytool:

a. From the File menu select Save As.

b. Type the name of the policy and the full path as noted in Step 4a.

11. Select File > Exit to close the Java policytool.

To start the Library Admin.:

1. Open Internet Explorer (5.0 or later) or Netscape (4.5 or later).

2. Enter the IP address in the Address Bar.

