Running the Demo Mode


Command: Maintenance > Diagnostics

Running the library in the Demo Mode tests the full movement of the robotic hand assembly. This is a robust test that moves a cartridge randomly between the library storage elements. It requires at least one empty storage element and one storage element with cartridge in it. As the test runs, it will randomly choose a full storage element and randomly choose an empty storage element. Then it will move the cartridge from full element to the empty element. After this move, the test will swap the source and destination elements and move the media back to the original storage element.


Note: In the firmware version 2.36 and higher of the Lxxx libraries version 2.10 and higher of the Lxx libraries, the demo mode does not rearrange the customer cartridges in the storage cells, as the robot gets and puts a cartridge from and to the same location. But, if a failure prevents a cartridge from being returned to its original location, a manual intervention is required to ensure that the tape management software on the host is synchronized.


Caution: Running demo mode stops all library operations. Confirm with the authorized personnel at the site before running the demo mode.

To run the demo mode:

1. Select Demo.


Warning: During this operation the library is unavailable for host operations. Any backups currently in process will fail.


2. Set the Loop Count by clicking the 5 or 6buttons or type the number.


Note: The loop count allows you to track the gets and puts. One loop is equal to one "get" (that is getting a cartridge from a cell) and one "put" (putting a cartridge into a cell).


3. Click Start.

4. Enter your library password and click OK.

You will notice that the library status on the screen changing to Maintenance. The screen also displays the progress of the demo mode. If the demo mode encounters a problem, appropriate messages are displayed for you to take action.

