Library Statistics


Command: Statistics > Library


The library statistics includes the following:

General Statistics:

<   Number of times the library has been reset

<   Number of times the drawer or door has been opened

<   The up time of the library in seconds

<   Number of times a cartridge has been moved

<   Number of mounts that have occurred

<   Number of times a label read was requested and a cartridge was not present

CAP Statistics:

<   Number of gets (getting a cartridge from the CAP)

<   Number of puts (putting a cartridge from the CAP)

Get and Put Statistics:

<   Number of retries (a get or put was successful with or without a retry)

<   Number of failures (a get or put was unsuccessful after retry)

Label Statistics:

<   Number of retries (a label read retry was required to successfully read the label)

<   Number of failures (label could not be read even after attempting a read retry)

<   Number of reads (label read was successful with or without a retry)

Target Statistics:

<   Number of retries (target read retry was needed to successfully determine the target position)

<   Number of failures (target could not be read even after attempting a retry)

<   Number of reads (target read was successful with or without a retry)


To get the latest library statistics, click Reload.

