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Sun ONE Web Proxy Server 3.6 SP2 Administrator's Guide - NT Version

Chapter 14   Proxy Error Log Messages

This chapter defines some of the errors the proxy commonly reports. They are listed alphabetically by the words of the message. The errors are categorized also by severity.

The categories of severity for proxy server error log messages are:

  • Catastrophe is a fatal error, a software crash, or other serious error that causes the client to receive no service, partial service, or totally invalid service.
  • Failure means something failed, the proxy handled the error, but the error may still cause the proxy to function improperly or to fail to process a request.
  • Inform is an informational log entry.
  • Misconfig means something was misconfigured in a configuration source such as magnus.conf or obj.conf.
  • Warning flags something that could be a normal operational error, but may also be a more serious error such as misconfiguration (e.g., host unreachable).

Proxy Error Messages

The following errors are those that commonly appear in the proxy server's error log and the Windows NT Event Viewer.


Service Startup Failure

Thee Watchdog service (ns-proxy.exe) failed to start.

Proxy Startup Error: Could not start

The proxy server failed to start.

Error creating new accept request
Error getting accept socket
Error in accept!

The proxy server failed to accept client connections.

pool-create-block: out of memory
pool-create: out of memory
pool-malloc: out of memory

The proxy server is out of memory.


bu-init: process creation failed
bupdate: OpenProcess failed
bupdate: thread creation failed
bupdate: WaitForMultipleObjects failed

The proxy server failed when spawning the batch update process.

Cache partition init failed (partition name): cannot create working directory.
failed to open registry key
key name.
failed to set value for registry key
key name.
failed to rename dir
directory name
failed to rename reconfig cache dir directory name (error code: error).
failed while reading cache configuration; key:
key name
failed while saving cache configuration; key: key name

The proxy server experienced a cache administration or configuration problem which was generated by reconfiguring the cache.

cache_insert: unable to create cache entry

The proxy server failed to add a new item to the cache.

Client aborted connection

A client connection was aborted by the user. Usually the user aborts the connection by pressing stop, but the connection could be aborted due to other reasons.

Failed to send MoveLog Event to rotate app
Could not open event to signal rotate application

The proxy server experienced a failure while talking to the access log rotation process. (These failures may happen if the server is not running when you try to rotate the log.)

Error allocating request read buffer
error: could not get socket
error: could not set socket option
Error creating new request
Error creating new session structure
Error during async read
Error issuing async read request
Error issuing read on accept socket
Error reading headers
Error reading request

The proxy server experienced an error while processing a request. Usually these errors are restricted to a single request. If you get many of these, there may be a network problem.

Failed to terminate server threads
Failed to wait for termination of main

The proxy server failed to shut down.

filter timeout; filter failed to finish response

A filter plugin didn't complete.

regex error: specific error (regex: regular expression)

The proxy server experienced an error while parsing a regular expression.

Spurious connect-side event encountered

The proxy server received an unexpected event during a connection to a remote server.

UrlDbAgent: could not open dir directory name
UrlDbAgent: could not create async monitor.
UrlDbAgent: ReadDirectoryChangesW failed
UrlDbAgent: could not create dir
directory name
UrlDbAgent: could not find urldb path.

The Cache Management system failed.


bu-init: invalid port parameter.
bu-init: must specify conf-file and instance.

The Batch Update configurations are invalid.

flex-log cannot find log named log name
invalid format for flex-log: log name

The Access Log configurations are invalid.

init-proxy: invalid timeout parameter

The Proxy Timeout value is invalid. (The proxy timeout value is set with the init-proxy directive in the obj.conf file.)


ConnectSideIo timed out for url: URL
CreateIoCompletionPort failed for file: file name
CreateIoCompletionPort on connect socket failed
File upload failed for url (Transmit File):
Host connect error!
Host connect timed out!
Host resolution error!
Read on connect socket failed for url:
Write on connect socket failed for url: URL

The proxy server experienced an error while communicating with a remote server.

partition partition name already exists in cache.
failed to cleanup cache dir
directory name

The proxy server experienced a cache administration error.

Disk i/o timed out for url: URL
Error: directory directory name is missing from section section name
Error: no second level directories found in section section name
Error: no sections found in cache directory name
Error: section section is missing from cache directory name
Error: unexpected directory directory name encountered...
Error: unexpected section
section name encountered...
Failed to close cache file
file name
Initiating garbage collection due to lack of space on disk in cache partition partition name
last-modified in future (not caching): URL
Memory cache size Kilobytes is greater than available physical memory (physical memory size).
Not storing Content-type value (
mime type) because it is longer than MAX_CONTENT_TYPE_LEN (maximum size).
Resetting max open files from
number to number (max allowed 10000).
Warning: cleanup could not delete file
file name
Warning: unexpected file encountered in cache file name.

The proxy server experienced a cache runtime error.

flex log buffer overflow- greater than maximum size characters
Truncating log to
maximum tokens tokens

The proxy server experienced an access logging error.

SOCKS Error Messages

The SOCKS log file contains both error and access messages. The following are the error messages that may appear in this log.

fatal: error in config file

The configuration file had one or more errors (listed earlier in the log file) that made it futile to start up the SOCKS server

fatal: can't create listening socket

A TCP socket could not be created.

fatal: can't bind to socks port

Another application or daemon is using the SOCKS port.

fatal: can't listen at socket

An internal error occurred during startup.

error: unknown request type 0x0D from host name:port number

Someone tried to use the SOCKS server for something that does not use the SOCKS protocol.

error: auth: can't open password file /etc/filename !

The specified password file does not exist.

error: illegal route: route

The route specified in the configuration file isn't a valid IP address or interface.

error: unknown field in config: text

Something in the configuration file unrecognized.

error: can't open config file '/etc/filename'

The SOCKS server cannotcannot open the specified configuration file.

error: ldap: can't authenticate to server (specific reason)

The bind DN or password was rejected by the LDAP server.

error: ldap: can't connect to servername:port

The specified LDAP server did not answer.

error: ldap: failed LDAP close (specific reason)

The SOCKS server could not close the connection to the LDAP server

error: ldap: server is down -- turning off LDAP auth

The LDAP server has vanished and ns-sockd cannot get in touch with it. ns-sockd will try to contact the LDAP server every few minutes, and once it is contacted, will enable LDAP authentication.

warning: ident: request from host name:port number is some text

The RFC 1413 ident response from that client was some text, not the user name

warning: auth: user user name tried to auth as user name

The user tried to authenticate as a user name even though the ident response was another user name

warning: socks4 request from host name:port number can't authenticate

The configuration file specifies that user name/password authentication is required for this connection. However, the client is using SOCKS4 and cannot authenticate that way. Thus, the client's request is denied and the SOCKS server logs a warning.

warning: request from host name:port number arrived via bad route!

A request arrived from the wrong interface meaning that someone is spoofing an IP address, or the route information in the configuration file is wrong.

warning: request from host name:port number failed ident check

The client did not send the required ident response, so the connection was dropped.

warning: passwd file: line number is bad

The format of the SOCKS5 password file is incorrect at or near the specified line.

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