Sun Cluster Data Service for Sun Grid Engine Guide for Solaris OS

Appendix A Files for Configuring and Removing Sun Cluster HA for Sun Grid Engine Resources

The /opt/SUNWscsge/util directory contains files that automate the process of configuring and removing Sun Cluster HA for Sun Grid Engine resources. Listings of these files are provided in the following sections:

Listing of sge_config

# Copyright 2003 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
# Use is subject to license terms.
# This file will be sourced in by sge_register and the parameters
# listed below will be used.
# These parameters can be customized in (key=value) form
#        COMMDRS - name of the resource for the application
#        QMASTERRS - name of the resource for the application
#        SCHEDDRS - name of the resource for the application
#        RG - name of the resource group containing the resources
#        PORT - name of any port number, as it's ignored
#        LH - name of the LogicalHostname SC resource
#	 SGE_ROOT - SGE_ROOT of this Sun GridEngine Installation
#	 SGE_CELL - SGE_CELL of this Sun GridEngine Installation
#        USE_INTERNAL_DEP - if internal Inter RG-dependency is being
#                   used set this to TRUE else to FALSE.


Listing of sge_register

# Copyright 2003 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
# Use is subject to license terms.

. `dirname $0`/sge_config

if [ "${USE_INTERNAL_DEP}" = "FALSE" ]; then

# Disable SGE launch at boot if same exists.
# A marker is left to restore boot launch
# iif SGE cluster agents are removed with:
# sge_remove.

if [ -L /etc/rc2.d/S95rcsge ]; then
   touch $SGE_ROOT/sge_boot_launch_disabled
   rm /etc/rc2.d/S95rcsge

scrgadm -a -j $COMMDRS -g $RG -t SUNW.gds \
-x Start_command="/opt/SUNWscsge/bin/sge_commd/start_sge_commd \
-x Stop_command="/opt/SUNWscsge/bin/sge_commd/stop_sge_commd \
-x Probe_command="/opt/SUNWscsge/bin/sge_commd/probe_sge_commd \
-y Port_list=$PORT/tcp -y Network_resources_used=$LH \
-x Stop_signal=9 \
-y retry_count=5 -y retry_interval=300

scrgadm -a -j $QMASTERRS -g $RG -t SUNW.gds \
-x Start_command="/opt/SUNWscsge/bin/sge_qmaster/start_sge_qmaster \
-x Stop_command="/opt/SUNWscsge/bin/sge_qmaster/stop_sge_qmaster \
-x Probe_command="/opt/SUNWscsge/bin/sge_qmaster/probe_sge_qmaster \
-y Port_list=$PORT/tcp -y Network_resources_used=$LH \
-x Stop_signal=9 \
-x probe_timeout=90 -y Thorough_probe_interval=120 \
-y retry_count=2 -y retry_interval=900 \
-y Resource_dependencies=$COMMDRS

scrgadm -a -j $SCHEDDRS -g $RG -t SUNW.gds \
-x Start_command="/opt/SUNWscsge/bin/sge_schedd/start_sge_schedd \
-x Stop_command="/opt/SUNWscsge/bin/sge_schedd/stop_sge_schedd \
-x Probe_command="/opt/SUNWscsge/bin/sge_schedd/probe_sge_schedd \
-y Port_list=$PORT/tcp -y Network_resources_used=$LH \
-x Stop_signal=9 \
-x probe_timeout=90 -y Thorough_probe_interval=120 \
-y retry_count=2 -y retry_interval=900 \
-y Resource_dependencies=$QMASTERRS

Listing of sge_remove

# Copyright 2003 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
# Use is subject to license terms.

. `dirname $0`/sge_config

scswitch -n -j $SCHEDDRS
scswitch -n -j $QMASTERRS
scswitch -n -j $COMMDRS
scrgadm -r -j  $SCHEDDRS
scrgadm -r -j  $QMASTERRS
scrgadm -r -j  $COMMDRS

# SGE launch at boot re-enabled, and
# run-level script link re-established.

if [ -e $SGE_ROOT/sge_boot_launch_disabled && -e /etc/init.d/rcsge ]; then
   rm $SGE_ROOT/sge_boot_launch_disabled
   ln -s /etc/init.d/rcsge /etc/rc2.d/S95rcsge
   chmod 111 /etc/rc2.d/S95rcsge