Sun Cluster Data Service for Sun Java System Message Queue Guide for Solaris OS

Extension Properties

The Sun Cluster HA for Sun Java System Message Queue fault monitor uses the following extension properties. You might be able to tune these extension properties.

Table 1–3 Sun Cluster HA for Sun Java System Message Queue Extension Properties

Name/Data Type 



The Smooth_shutdown extension property enables smooth shutdown using the imqcmd command. This extension property must be set to TRUE if a smooth shutdown is desired before trying to kill the Sun Java System Message Queue process. If this extension property is TRUE, then the password must be set in $IMQ_VARHOME/instances/broker/scs1mqconfig.

Set this extension property to TRUE if

  • It is desirable to use imqcmd to shutdown the broker instead of the default of shutting it down by sending it SIGTERM.

  • It is not a concern that the agent includes the password in the imqcmd command string.

Default: False

Tunable:Any time