Sun Cluster Data Services Developer's Guide for Solaris OS
 daemon, designing the fault monitor ( Index Term Link )
 data service
   analyzing suitability ( Index Term Link )
   determining the interface ( Index Term Link )
  sample ( Index Term Link )
   common functionality ( Index Term Link )
   controlling the data service ( Index Term Link )
   defining a fault monitor ( Index Term Link )
   extension properties in RTR file ( Index Term Link )
   generating error messages ( Index Term Link )
   handling property updates ( Index Term Link )
   Monitor_check method ( Index Term Link )
   Monitor_start method ( Index Term Link )
   Monitor_stop method ( Index Term Link )
   obtaining property information ( Index Term Link )
   probe program ( Index Term Link )
   resource properties in RTR file ( Index Term Link )
   RTR file ( Index Term Link )
   Start method ( Index Term Link )
   Stop method ( Index Term Link )
   Update method ( Index Term Link )
   Validate method ( Index Term Link )
  setting up development environment ( Index Term Link )
  transferring to cluster for testing ( Index Term Link )
 Data Service Development Library, See DSDL
 data services
  testing ( Index Term Link )
  testing HA ( Index Term Link )
  writing ( Index Term Link )
 debugging resource types with DSDL ( Index Term Link )
 Default, resource property attribute ( Index Term Link )
 default property values
  cluster configuration repository ( Index Term Link )
  new value for upgrade ( Index Term Link )
  Sun Cluster 3.0 ( Index Term Link )
  upgrades ( Index Term Link )
  when inherited ( Index Term Link )
 dependencies, coordinating between resources ( Index Term Link )
 Description, resource property attribute ( Index Term Link )
 description values, rules ( Index Term Link )
 Desired_primaries, resource group property ( Index Term Link )
  #$upgrade ( Index Term Link )
  #$upgrade_from ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  default tunability ( Index Term Link )
  placement in RTR file ( Index Term Link )
  tunability constraints ( Index Term Link )
 directories, Agent Builder ( Index Term Link )
 directory structure, Agent Builder ( Index Term Link )
 distinguishing between multiple registered versions, RT_version ( Index Term Link )
 distinguishing between vendors, Vendor_id ( Index Term Link )
 documentation requirements
  for upgrade ( Index Term Link )
  tunability constraints ( Index Term Link )
  accessing network address ( Index Term Link )
  components ( Index Term Link )
  debugging resource types ( Index Term Link )
  description ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  enabling HA local file systems ( Index Term Link )
  fault monitor functions ( Index Term Link )
  fault monitoring ( Index Term Link )
  functions ( Index Term Link )
  general purpose functions ( Index Term Link )
  implementing a fault monitor ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  network resource-access functions ( Index Term Link )
  overview ( Index Term Link )
  Process Monitor Facility (PMF) functions ( Index Term Link )
  property functions ( Index Term Link )
  sample resource type implementation
   determining the fault monitor action ( Index Term Link )
   returning from svc_start() ( Index Term Link )
   scds_initialize() function ( Index Term Link )
   starting the service ( Index Term Link )
   SUNW.xfnts fault monitor ( Index Term Link )
   SUNW.xfnts RTR file ( Index Term Link )
   svc_probe() function ( Index Term Link )
   TCP port number ( Index Term Link )
   validating the service ( Index Term Link )
   X font server ( Index Term Link )
   X font server configuration file ( Index Term Link )
   xfnts_monitor_check method ( Index Term Link )
   xfnts_monitor_start method ( Index Term Link )
   xfnts_monitor_stop method ( Index Term Link )
   xfnts_probe main loop ( Index Term Link )
   xfnts_start method ( Index Term Link )
   xfnts_stop method ( Index Term Link )
   xfnts_update method ( Index Term Link )
   xfnts_validate method ( Index Term Link )
  starting a data service ( Index Term Link )
  stopping a data service ( Index Term Link )
  utility functions ( Index Term Link )
  where implemented ( Index Term Link )