Sun Cluster Data Service for Oracle Real Application Clusters Guide for Solaris OS

Location of Oracle Binary Files and Oracle Configuration Files

You can install the Oracle binary files and Oracle configuration files on one of the following locations.

Using Local Disks for Oracle Binary Files and Oracle Configuration Files

Placing the Oracle binary files and Oracle configuration files on the individual cluster nodes enables you to upgrade the Oracle application later without shutting down the data service.

The disadvantage is that you then have several copies of the Oracle application binary files and Oracle configuration files to maintain and administer.

Using a Shared File System for Oracle Binary Files and Oracle Configuration Files

To simplify the maintenance of your Oracle installation, you can install the Oracle binary files and Oracle configuration files on a shared file system. The following shared file systems are supported:

If you put the Oracle binary files and Oracle configuration files on a shared file system, you have only one copy to maintain and manage. However, you must shut down the data service in the entire cluster to upgrade the Oracle application. If a small amount of downtime for upgrades is acceptable, place a single copy of the Oracle binary files and Oracle configuration files on a shared file system.