Sun Cluster Reference Manual for Solaris OS
 rac_cvm resource type ( Index Term Link )
 rac_framework resource type ( Index Term Link )
 rac_hwraid resource type ( Index Term Link )
 rac_svm resource type ( Index Term Link )
 rac_udlm resource type ( Index Term Link )
 RAID (redundant array of independent disks) ( Index Term Link )
 rdt_setmtu — set the MTU size in RSMRDT driver ( Index Term Link )
 read data using a tcp connection to an application — scds_fm_tcp_read ( Index Term Link )
 Real Application Clusters, See Sun Cluster Support for Oracle Parallel Server/Real Application Clusters
 reconfiguration timeouts
  hardware redundant array of independent disks (RAID) ( Index Term Link )
  Oracle distributed lock manager (DLM) ( Index Term Link )
  redundant array of independent disks (RAID) ( Index Term Link )
  Solaris Volume Manager for Sun Cluster ( Index Term Link )
  VERITAS Volume Manager (VxVM) ( Index Term Link )
 redundant array of independent disks (RAID) ( Index Term Link )
 release file ( Index Term Link )
 request resource group control — scha_control ( Index Term Link )
 reservation step timeout
  hardware redundant array of independent disks (RAID) ( Index Term Link )
  redundant array of independent disks (RAID) ( Index Term Link )
  Solaris Volume Manager for Sun Cluster ( Index Term Link )
  VERITAS Volume Manager (VxVM) ( Index Term Link )
 Reservation_timeout extension property
  rac_cvm resource type ( Index Term Link )
  rac_hwraid resource type ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  rac_svm resource type ( Index Term Link )
  SUNW.rac_cvm resource type ( Index Term Link )
  SUNW.rac_svm resource type ( Index Term Link )
 resource information access functions — scha_resource_close ( Index Term Link )
 resource information access functions — scha_resource_get ( Index Term Link )
 resource information access functions — scha_resource_open ( Index Term Link )
 resource information access functions. — scha_resourcegroup_close ( Index Term Link )
 resource information access functions. — scha_resourcegroup_get ( Index Term Link )
 resource information access functions. — scha_resourcegroup_open ( Index Term Link )
 resource type information access functions. — scha_resourcetype_close ( Index Term Link )
 resource type information access functions. — scha_resourcetype_get ( Index Term Link )
 resource type information access functions. — scha_resourcetype_open ( Index Term Link )
 resource type to offload specified resource groups — RGOffload ( Index Term Link )
 resource type to offload specified resource groups — SUNW.RGOffload ( Index Term Link )
 resource type to synchronize action between HA storage and data services — HAStorage ( Index Term Link )
 resource type to synchronize action between HA storage and data services — SUNW.HAStorage ( Index Term Link )
 resource group control request function — scha_control ( Index Term Link )
 resource group properties — rg_properties ( Index Term Link )
 Resource information access command — scha_resource_get ( Index Term Link )
 resource type implementation for the Cluster Reconfiguration Notification Protocol (CRNP) — Event ( Index Term Link )
 resource type implementation for the Cluster Reconfiguration Notification Protocol (CRNP). — SUNW.Event ( Index Term Link )
 Resource type information access command — scha_resourcetype_get ( Index Term Link )
 resource type properties — rt_properties- ( Index Term Link )
 resource type registration file — rt_reg- ( Index Term Link )
 resource types
  rac_cvm ( Index Term Link )
  rac_framework ( Index Term Link )
  rac_hwraid ( Index Term Link )
  rac_svm ( Index Term Link )
  rac_udlm ( Index Term Link )
  SUNW.rac_cvm ( Index Term Link )
  SUNW.rac_framework ( Index Term Link )
  SUNW.rac_hwraid ( Index Term Link )
  SUNW.rac_svm ( Index Term Link )
  SUNW.rac_udlm ( Index Term Link )
 restart a resource — scds_restart_resource ( Index Term Link )
 restart a resource group — scds_restart_rg ( Index Term Link )
 restart fault monitor using PMF — scds_pmf_restart_fm ( Index Term Link )
  rac_cvm resource type ( Index Term Link )
  rac_udlm resource type ( Index Term Link )
  SUNW.rac_cvm resource type ( Index Term Link )
  SUNW.rac_udlm resource type ( Index Term Link )
 retrieve an extension property — scds_get_ext_property ( Index Term Link )
 retrieve the port list used by a resource — scds_get_port_list ( Index Term Link )
 retrieve the resource group name — scds_get_resource_group_name ( Index Term Link )
 retrieve the resource name — scds_get_resource_name ( Index Term Link )
 return step timeout
  Solaris Volume Manager for Sun Cluster ( Index Term Link )
  VERITAS Volume Manager (VxVM) ( Index Term Link )
 rg_properties — resource group properties ( Index Term Link )
 RGOffload — resource type to offload specified resource groups ( Index Term Link )
 RPC-based process monitor server — pmfd ( Index Term Link )
 RPC-based process monitor server — rpc.pmfd ( Index Term Link )
 rpc.pmfd — RPC-based process monitor server ( Index Term Link )
 rt_callbacks — callback interface for management of services as Sun Cluster resources ( Index Term Link )
 rt_properties — resource type properties- ( Index Term Link )
 rt_reg- — resource type registration file ( Index Term Link )
 run a child program while holding a file lock — halockrun ( Index Term Link )
 run child program under a timeout — hatimerun ( Index Term Link )