Sun Cluster 3.1 9/04 Release Notes for Solaris OS

Java Binaries Linked to Incorrect Java Version Cause HA-DB Agent to Malfunction (4968899)

Problem Summary: Currently, HA-DB data service does not use the JAVA_HOME environment variable. Therefore, HA-DB, when invoked from the HA-DB data service, takes Java binaries from /usr/bin/. The Java binaries in /usr/bin/ need to be linked to the appropriate version of Java 1.4 and above for HA-DB data service to work properly.

Workaround: If you do not object to changing the default version available, perform the following procedure. As an example, this workaround assumes that the /usr/j2se directory is where you have the latest version of Java (such as 1.4 and above).

  1. Do you currently have a directory called java/ in the /usr/ directory? If so, move it to a temporary location.

  2. From the /usr/ directory, link /usr/bin/java and all other Java-related binaries to the appropriate version of Java.

    # ln -s j2se java

If you do not want to change the default version available, assign the JAVA_HOME environment variable with the appropriate version of Java (J2SE 1.4 and above) in the /opt/SUNWappserver7/SUNWhadb/4/bin/hadbm script.