Sun Cluster 3.1 9/04 Release Notes for Solaris OS

Sun Cluster Data Service for Samba Guide for Solaris OS

Instructions for upgrading Sun Cluster HA for Samba are omitted from Sun Cluster Data Service for Samba Guide for Solaris OS.

ProcedureHow to Upgrade Sun Cluster HA for Samba

As a result of bug fixes, the configuration of Sun Cluster HA for Samba has changed. If you are running Sun Cluster HA for Samba, you must remove and reregister the resources for the following components of Sun Cluster HA for Samba.

Perform this task for each Samba resource that you must remove and reregister.

  1. Save the resource definitions.

    # scrgadm -pvv -j resource > file1
  2. Disable the resource.

    # scswitch -n -j resource
  3. Remove the resource.

    # scrgadm -r -j resource
  4. Configure and register the resource.

    1. Go to the directory that contains the configuration file and the registration file for the resource.

      # cd /opt/SUNWscsmb/prefixutil
    2. Edit the configuration file for the resource.

      vi prefix_config
    3. Run the registration file for the resource.

      # ./prefix_register

    prefix denotes the component to which the file applies, as follows:

    • samba denotes the Samba component.

    • winbind denotes the Winbind component.

  5. Save the resource definitions.

    # scrgadm -pvv -j resource > file2
  6. Compare the updated definitions to the definitions that you saved before you updated the resource.

    Comparing these definitions enables you to determine if any existing extension properties have changed, for example, time-out values.

    # diff file1 file2
  7. Amend any resource properties that were reset.

    # scrgadm -c -j resource -x|y resource
  8. Bring online the resource.

    # scswitch -e -j resource