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Sun Java Systems Access Manager 6 2005Q1 Federation Management Guide 

List of Tables

Table 0-1 Additional Help with the ID-FF
Table 0-2 Additional Help with the ID-WSF
Table 2-1 Summary of Liberty-based Packages
Table 3-1 Federation Management Module JSP
Table 3-2 Possible Provider Combinations for Provider Entity Descriptor
Table 3-3 Federation Management API
Table 3-4 Default Values in sp1metadata.xml for Sample1
Table 5-1 Data Service Client APIs
Table 6-1 Policy-related Directives
Table 6-2 Discovery Service Client APIs
Table 7-1 SOAP Binding API Classes
Table 8-1 Summary of Liberty-based Packages
Table 8-2 Common Liberty Classes
Table 8-3 Common Liberty Interfaces
Table 8-4
Table 8-5 Security APIs
Table 8-6 Interaction Service API
Table 8-7 Summary of PAOS APIs
Table A-1 Relative Information for Sample1 Servers

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Part No: 817-7648.   Copyright 2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.