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Sun Java System Portal Server 6 2005Q1 Technical Reference Guide 

Chapter 65
Normal Tags in desktopTable.tld

All of the normal tags in the desktopTable.tld file have a bodycontent of empty.

Table 65-1  desktopTable.tld Normal Tags with Attributes  

Tag Name




Returns a list of channel names that belong in that particular column.

column (required)

id (required)


Returns the width of a column (a percentage with respect to the entire Desktop). Valid columns are left, center, and right.

column (required)

id (required)


Returns a Boolean that gives the frame status of the channel. Returns true if the channel has a frame; otherwise false.

id (optional)

scope (optional)


Returns a Boolean that gives the minimized status of the channel. Returns true if the channel is minimized; otherwise false.

id (optional)

scope (optional)


Determines whether the channel is movable or not and returns a Boolean that gives the movable status of a channel.

id (optional)

scope (optional)


Gets the HTML code needed to display the provider commands (minimize channel, help screen, edit channel, and so forth). The commands are put in a Map. The keys for the Map are minMaximizedCommand, helpCommand, editCommand, detachAttachCommand, and removeCommand.

id (optional)

scope (optional)


Returns a Boolean that gives the detached status of the channel. Returns true if the channel is detached; otherwise false.

id (optional)

scope (optional)


Returns the detached channels list. The list returned is a Collection of Strings. Each of the Strings is the name of a channel. The channels returned are not necessary channels that have been detached from the desktop. The tag getIsDetached should be used to verify that a channel has been detached.

id (optional)

scope (optional)


Returns a string with the window name for the detached window when a channel is detached.

id (optional)

scope (optional)


Determines whether the page is being drawn for a popup channel. Returns true if the table container action is a popup and returns false otherwise.

id (optional)

scope (optional)


Returns an integer with the popup window width for the detached window when a channel is detached.

id (optional)

scope (optional)


Returns an integer with the popup window height for the detached window when a channel is detached.

id (optional)

scope (optional)


Returns a string buffer with the contents of all non-minimized and selected channels of the table container. The contents are put in a Map with the channel name as the key.

id (required)

scope (optional)

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Part No: 817-7696.   Copyright 2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.