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Sun Java System Portal Server 6 2005Q1 Technical Reference Guide 

Chapter 60
Validator Tags

The validator tags validate that the provider in context can legally use the tags in the TLD. Each TLD, with the exception of desktop.tld, has a validator tag defined (usually with the name of the TLD file). If the provider in context cannot use the tags defined in the TLD, an exception is thrown that is displayed on the screen and processing stops.

Users should surround tags that belong to a specific TLD with the respective validator tag. However, it is not possible to enforce that in a JSP environment. To make it easier for users to “guess” which TLD they can use or to debug the JSPs, getProviderClassName() and getContainerClassName() tags are provided in the desktop.tld. They return the class name of the container or provider in the context.

The following is a two column table: column one lists the tag name; column two provides a brief description.


Validates that the provider in the context can legally use the tags in desktopproviderContext.tld.


Validates that the provider in the context can legally use the tags in desktopcontainerProviderContext.tld.


Validates that the provider in the context can legally use the tags in desktopSingle.tld.

obtainSelectedChannelFromReq uest

Gets the channel name from request. This tag is in desktopSingle.tld.


Validates that the provider in the context can legally use the tags in desktopTable.tld.


Validates that the provider in the context can legally use the tags in desktopTab.tld.

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Part No: 817-7696.   Copyright 2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.