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Sun Java System Portal Server 6 2005Q1 Technical Reference Guide 

Chapter 20
XML and Schema Files

The Sun Java System Portal Server registers its services into the Sun Java System Access Manager Service Management Services (SMS) framework. This occurs during the pre-installation of the Portal Server and post-installation for Access Manager software.


In general, any service-related data that is not server-specific is stored in the Access Manager directory. Server-specific data can be stored in properties files that are local to the specific server.

SMS provides a mechanism for services to define and manage their configuration data by using an Extensible Markup Language (XML) file that adheres to the SMS Document Type Definition (DTD). The definition of the configuration parameters through the XML file is called the schema for the service. Each Portal Server service (Desktop, Netmail, Rewriter, and Search) has its own XML and properties files for presenting and modifying service specific data.

Within the Access Manager framework, Portal Server defines services related to the following functional areas:


The SunPortalDesktopService includes data associated with the Desktop component, including the display profile and other configuration parameters associated with the Desktop.

Search Engine    

The SunPortalSearchService defines the data associated with the Search component, such as the search person and search instances. One or more instances of Search service instances can be defined.


The SunPortalNetMailService includes data associated with the NetMail application primarily consisting of the user’s preferences.


The SunPortalRewriterService includes data associated with the Rewriter component, including the named rule sets that control the rewriting operation. The Rewriter API makes reference to the named rule sets that are stored in the directory.

In addition, the Portal Server also uses other DTDs to define LDAP attribute values for the display profile and the Rewriter ruleset.

The Display Profile Document Type Definition (DTD) defines how the Display Profile is structured. The underlying data format for a display profile document is XML. It is intended to define the display configuration for the Desktop. It does that by defining provider, portlet, and channel objects, and their properties. The Rewriter ruleset DTD defines the structure of the ruleset. The Rewriter includes a default ruleset.

The following two column table provides a file path for the various XML, DTD, and schema files used to define the services of the Portal Server (in the first column) and the service which uses the corresponding file (in the second column).


Service Management Services Document Type Definition (DTD)

/opt/SUNWps/export/service/psDesktop.x ml

Portal Server Desktop service definition

/opt/SUNWps/export/service/psNetMail.x ml

Portal Server NetMail service definition

/opt/SUNWps/export/service/psRewriter. xml

Portal Server Rewriter service definition

/opt/SUNWps/export/service/psSearch.xm l

Portal Server Search service definition


Display Profile document type definition (DTD)

/opt/SUNWps/web-src/WEB-INF/lib/rewrit er.jar

Rewriter Ruleset document type definition (DTD) under resources/RuleSet.dtd

/opt/SUNWps/web-src/WEB-INF/lib/rewrit er.jar

Default ruleset under resources/DefaultRuleSet.xml



Portal Server Desktop Schema


Portal Server NetMail Schema


Portal Server Search Schema

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Part No: 817-7696.   Copyright 2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.