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Sun Java System Portal Server 6 2005Q1 Deployment Planning Guide 

List of Figures

Figure 1-1 Portal Server in Open Mode
Figure 1-2 Portal Server in Secure Mode
Figure 1-3 High-level Architecture for a Business-to-Employee Portal
Figure 1-4 SRA Deployment
Figure 5-1 Portal Server Communication Links
Figure 5-2 Portal Server Building Module Architecture
Figure 5-3 Best Effort Scenario
Figure 5-4 No Single Point of Failure Example
Figure 5-5 Transparent Failover Example Scenario
Figure 5-6 Portal Server and Access Manager on Different Nodes
Figure 5-7 Two Portal Servers and One Access Manager
Figure 5-8 One Portal Server and Two Access Managers
Figure 5-9 Two Portal Servers and Two Access Managers
Figure 5-10 Basic SRA Configuration
Figure 5-11 Disable Netlet
Figure 5-12 Proxylet
Figure 5-13 Multiple Gateway Instances
Figure 5-14 Netlet and Rewriter Proxies
Figure 5-15 Proxies on Separate Nodes
Figure 5-16 Two Gateways and Netlet Proxy
Figure 5-17 SRA Gateway with External Accelerator
Figure 5-18 Netlet and Third-Party Proxy
Figure 5-19 Using a Reverse Proxy in Front of the Gateway

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Part No: 817-7697.   Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.