Sun Java Enterprise System 2005Q1 Deployment Example Series: Evaluation Scenario

ProcedureTo Configure the Portal Mail Channel for the SSO Adapter Service

To enable proxy authentication for the sample portal Mail channel, you configure the SSO Adapter Service. You perform this configuration in the Access Manager console.

  1. In the left pane, click the arrow symbol that follows the name SSO Adapter.

    The right pane displays the SSO Adapter Service properties. You see a display similar to Figure 8–2 .

  2. Edit the SUN-ONE-MAIL configuration properties. Do the following:

    1. Locate the list of SSO Adapter Templates.

    2. Locate the line for SUN-ONE-MAIL. Click Edit Properties.

      The right page displays the SUN-ONE-MAIL template property details.

  3. Locate the host property. Select it, and then click Change Type.

    The right pane displays the Edit Property Types display.

  4. Change the value of several properties from merge to default:

    1. Select the host property. Click Move to Default.

    2. Select the port property. Click Move to Default.

    3. Select the smtpServer property. Click Move to Default.

    4. Select the clientPort property. Click Move to Default.

    5. Select the smtpPort property. Click Move to Default.

    6. Select the domain property. Click Move to Default.

      Click Save. The right pane displays the list of SSO Adapter properties.

  5. Use the text fields to edit the values of the following properties:

    1. Locate the enableProxyAuth property. Change the value to true.

    2. Locate the proxyAdminUid property. Change the value to admin.

    3. Locate the proxyAdminPassword property. Change the value to password.

    4. Locate the host property. Change the value to evaluation_host.

    5. Locate the port property. Change the value to 143.

    6. Locate the smtpServer property. Change the value to evaluation_host.

    7. Locate the clientPort property. Change the value to 88.

    8. Locate the smtpPort property. Change the value to 25.

    9. Locate the domain property. Confirm that it is blank.

    10. Locate the serverSSOENabled property. Change the value to true.

  6. Click Save to apply your changes.

  7. In the left pane, click the arrow symbol that follows the name SSO Adapter.

    The right pane displays the SSO Adapter Service properties. You see a display similar to Figure 8–2 .

  8. Edit the SUN-UWC-MAIL configuration properties. Do the following:

    1. Locate the list of SSO Adapter Templates.

    2. Locate the line for the SUN-UWC-MAIL template. Click Edit Properties.

      The right page displays the SUN-UWC-MAIL template property details.

  9. Locate the host property. Select it, and then click Change Type.

    The right pane displays the Edit Property Types display.

  10. Change the value of several properties from merge to default:

    1. Select the host property. Click Move to Default.

    2. Select the port property. Click Move to Default.

    3. Select the smtpServer property. Click Move to Default.

    4. Select the clientPort property. Click Move to Default.

    5. Select the smtpPort property. Click Move to Default.

    6. Select the domain property. Click Move to Default.

      Click Save. The right pane redisplays the list of SUNW-UWC-MAIL adapter template properties.

  11. Use the text fields to edit the values of the following properties:

    1. Locate the enableProxyAuth property. Change the value to true.

    2. Locate the proxyAdminUid property. Change the value to admin.

    3. Locate the proxyAdminPassword property. Change the value to password.

    4. Locate the host property. Change the value to evaluation_host.

    5. Locate the port property. Change the value to 143.

    6. Locate the smtpServer property. Change the value to evaluation_host.

    7. Locate the clientPort property. Change the value to 88.

    8. Locate the smtpPort property. Change the value to 25.

    9. Locate the domain property. Confirm that it is blank

    10. Locate the serverSSOENabled property. Change the value to true.

  12. Click Save to apply your changes.

  13. At a command line, change directory to the Web Server directory:

    cd /opt/SUNWwbsvr/https-evaluation_host
  14. Run the command to restart Web Server:

    ./stop; ./start

    The startup process displays a series of startup messages. The startup process might take a few moments. When startup is complete, the following message is displayed:

    startup: server started successfully

    Restarting Web Server restarts Portal Server and applies all of your configuration changes.