Sun Java Enterprise System 2005Q1 Deployment Example Series: Evaluation Scenario

ProcedureTo Use the Proxy Authentication Feature

  1. In your web browser, open this URL:


    The sample portal desktop is displayed.

  2. Use the Member Login fields to log in. Type the following values:

    • User Name: TestUser

    • Password: password

    Click Login. The portal desktop calendar and mail channels display mail and calendar information for TestUser. You see a display similar to .

    Figure 8–3 Portal Desktop Showing Mail and Calendar Channels

    Section of portal desktop showing Test User's summary mail and
calendar information, as described in text.

  3. Notice that the calendar and mail channels now display information.

  4. Click Launch Calendar.

    The Calender Express main window is displayed. This verifies that proxy authentication is configured correctly for Calendar Server.

  5. Click Launch Mail.

    The Messenger Express main window is displayed. This verifies that proxy authentication is configured correctly for Messaging Server.

  6. Click Log out.

    You have completed the evaluation scenario. You can continue to explore other features of your evaluation deployment.