Sun Java Enterprise System 2005Q1 Deployment Example Series: Evaluation Scenario

ProcedureTo Create a Test End User Account

  1. Change directory to the Delegated Administration Utility directory:

    cd /opt/SUNWcomm/bin
  2. Run the command that creates the test user account and provisions it for messaging and calendar services:

    ./commadmin user create -D admin -w password -l TestUser -F Test -L User 
    -W password -S mail -H evaluation_host -E -S cal 
    -B evaluation_host -J 0 -T America/Los_Angeles -k legacy
  3. Run the command that additionally provisions your new account for portal services:

    ./commadmin user modify -D admin -w password -l TestUser 
    -A +objectclass:sunssoadapterperson 
    -A +objectclass:sunportaldesktopperson

    You have created a user account and provisioned it for the messaging, calendar, and portal services.