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Sun Java Enterprise System 2005Q1 Technical Overview 

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access components

descriptions of  1

introduced  1

Access Manager

as infrastructure service  1

as system service component  1

description of  1

access services  1

Administration Server

as service quality component  1

description of  1

administrative components

descriptions of  1

introduced  1

administrative services  1

adoption scenarios, Java ES

about  1

defined  1

enhancement  1

extension  1

new system  1

upgrade  1

Ant (Jakarta ANT Java/XML-based build tool)  1

Apache SOAP Runtime  1

application components

defined  1

in logical tier architectures  1

Application Server

as infrastructure service  1

as system service component  1

description of  1

application services  1, 2


distributed, See distributed enterprise applications

enterprise, See distributed enterprise applications

architectural dimensions

infrastructure service dependencies  1

logical tiers  1

quality of service  1

synthesis o  1


defined  1

deployment  1

dimensions of, See architectural dimensions

introduced  1

logical  1

reference  1

solution  1

authentication  1

authorization  1


requirements  1, 2

services  1, 2

availability components

descriptions of  1

introduced  1

availability services  1


Berkeley DB  1

business services

defined  1

presentation tier, and  1


Calendar Server

as infrastructure service  1

as system service component  1

description  1

CAPI (Java Calendar API)  1

client logical tier  1


defined  1

system service components, and  1

clusters, See Sun Cluster

collaboration services  1

common agent container  1

communication services  1

Communications Express

as service quality component  1

description of  1

components  1

access  1

administrative  1

and infrastructure services  1

availability  1

defined  1

dependencies  1

detecting installed versions of  1

distributed  1

EJB  1

J2EE  1

JSP  1

service quality  1, 2

Servlet  1

shared  1, 2

system service  1, 2

system, See system components

Connector for Microsoft Outlook

as service quality component  1

description of  1


Delegated Administrator

as service quality component  1

description of  1

dependencies  1, 2

dependency checking, installer  1


architecture  1

defined  1

design  1

development and customization  1

implementation  1

life-cycle stage  1

phases of life cycle  1

production rollout  1

prototype testing  1

reference architectures  1

scenarios, See deployment scenarios

deployment architectures

defined  1

design of  1

introduced  1

relation to tiered architectures  1

deployment scenarios

defined  1

introduced  1

detecting installed software  1


as deployment task  1

defined  1


as user data stores  1

defined  1

Directory Preparation Tool

as service quality component  1

description of  1

Directory Proxy Server

as service quality component  1

as system component  1

description of  1

Directory Server

as infrastructure service  1

as system service component  1

description of  1


applications, See distributed enterprise applications

services, See distributed services

distributed enterprise applications

about  1

defined  1

infrastructure for  1

distributed services

access  1

administrative  1

application level  1

availability  1

communication and collaboration  1

identity  1

infrastructure  1

integration  1

messaging  1

middleware  1

network transport  1

overview  1

persistence  1

platform  1, 2

portal  1

runtime  1, 2

security  1, 2

user collaboration  1

web  1

documentation set, Java ES  1


EJB components  1

end users

defined  1

distributed applications, and  1

enhancements, See adoption scenarios

extensions, See adoption scenarios


hardware, Java ES adoption scenarios, and  1

High Availability Session Store

as service quality component  1

description of  1


ICU (International Components for Unicode)  1


management  1

services  1, 2

single user  1

implementation specifications  1


for distributed enterprise applications  1

service dependencies See distributed services

Instant Messaging

as infrastructure service  1

as system service component  1

description of  1


features, See integration features

Java ES adoption scenarios, and  1

services  1

integration features

identity and security  1, 2

integrated installer  1, 2

introduced  1

shared components  1



components  1

distributed component model  1

platform  1

J2ME platform  1

J2SE (Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition)  1, 2

JAF (JavaBeans™ Activation Framework)  1

JATO (Java Studio Enterprise Web Application Framework)  1

Java Servlet components  1

JavaHelp  1

JavaMail  1

JAXB (Java Architecture for XML Binding)  1

JAXM (Java API for XML Messaging)  1

JAXP (Java API for XML Processing)  1

JAXR (Java API for XML Registries)  1


JDMK (Java Dynamic Management™ Kit)  1

JMS (Java Message Service)  1

JSP components  1

JSS (Java Security Services)  1, 2


KT Search Engine (KTSE)  1


language support  1

latent capacity requirements  1

LDAP  1, 2


LDAP Java SDK  1

life-cycle phases

deployment  1, 2

postdeployment  1, 2

predeployment  1, 2

Linux  1

logical architectures

about  1

defined  1

example  1

infrastructure service levels, and  1

introduced  1


Message Queue

as infrastructure service  1

as system service component  1

description of  1

Messaging Server

as infrastructure service  1

as system service component  1

description of  1

messaging services  1

middleware services  1

migration, Java ES adoption scenarios, and  1


network transport services  1

NSPR (Netscape Portable Runtime)  1, 2

NSS (Network Security Services)  1, 2


operating system services  1


performance requirements  1

Perl LDAP  1

persistence services  1

platform services  1


authorization  1

defined  1

Portal Server

as infrastructure service  1

as system service component  1

description of  1

Portal Server Secure Remote Access

as service quality component  1

as system component  1

description of  1

portal services  1


defined  1

phases of life cycle  1


defined  1

phases of life cycle  1

production rollout  1

prototyping  1

provisioning users  1


quality of service requirements

availability  1, 2

latent capacity  1

performance  1

scalability  1, 2

security  1, 2

serviceability  1, 2


reference deployment architectures

defined  1

introduced  1

Remote Services Net Connect

as service quality component  1

description of  1

runtime services  1


SAAJ (SOAP with Attachments API for Java)  1

SAML (Security Assertions Markup Language)  1

SASL (Simple Authentication and Security Layer)  1


requirements  1, 2

services  1, 2


policy services  1

requirements  1, 2

services  1


defined  1

standalone  1

service quality components

defined  1

descriptions of  1

introduced  1

serviceability requirements  1, 2


business  1

defined  1

high availability  1, 2

infrastructure  1

infrastructure, See distributed infrastructure services

scalability  1, 2

web  1

shared components  1

defined  1

introduced  1

single identity

defined  1

introduced  1

single sign-on

defined  1

implementation of  1

infrastructure service levels, and  1

Java ES feature  1, 2

SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol)  1

SOAP (Apache)  1

Solaris  1

solutions, Java ES

architecture  1

custom and out-of-the-box  1

example  1

life cycle  1

Sun Cluster

agents  1

as availability service  1

as service quality component  1

description of  1

Sun Explorer Data Collector  1

Sun Java Monitoring Framework  1

Sun Java System products

Access Manager, See Access Manager

Administration Server, See Administration Server

Application Server, See Application Server

Calendar Server, See Calendar Server

Communications Express, See Communications Express

Connector for Microsoft Outlook, See Connector for Microsoft Outlook

Delegated Administrator, See Delegated Administrator

Directory Preparation Tool, See Directory Preparation Tool

Directory Proxy Server, See Directory Proxy Server

Directory Server, See Directory Server

High Availability Session Store, See High Availability Session Store

Instant Messaging See Instant Messaging

Message Queue, See Message Queue

Messaging Server, See Messaging Server

Portal Server, Secure Remote Access, See Portal Server, Secure Remote Access

Portal Server, See Portal Server

Web Server, See Web Server

Sun Java Web Console  1


components, See system components

configuration  1

services  1

system components

about  1

defined  1

service quality components  1

shared components  1, 2

system service  1

system service components, See system service components

system service components

defined  1

dependencies  1

introduced  1

system services

about  1

defined  1


tasks, Java Enterprise System  1, 2

tiers, logical

application architecture, and  1

business service  1

client  1

data  1

presentation  1

Tomcat Servlet JSP Container  1

training, Java ES adoption scenarios, and  1


uninstaller  1

upgrades, See adoption scenarios

use cases

defined  1

introduced  1

user categories

architect  1

business planner  1

delegated administrator  1

field engineer  1

IT manager  1

specialized system administrator  1

system administrator  1

system analyst  1

system integrator  1

user collaboration services  1

user entry  1

user profiles  1

user provisioning  1

users, See end users


Web Server

as infrastructure service  1

as system service component  1

description of  1

web services  1

defined  1

J2EE components, and  1

WSCL (Web services Common Library)  1


XML C Library  1

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Part No: 819-0061-10.   Copyright 2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.