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User Commandsasupgrade(1)


 asupgrade - migrates the configuration of a previously installed Sun Java System Application Server


 asupgrade [console ] [version ] [help ] [source applicationserver_7.x/8.x_installation] [target applicationserver_8.1_installation] adminuser admin_user [adminpassword admin_password] [masterpassword changeit] [passwordfile path_to_password_file] [domain domain_name] [nsspwdfile NSS_password_filepath] [targetnsspwdfile target_NSS_password_filepath] [jkspwdfile JKS_password_filepath] [capwdfile CA_password_filepath] [clinstancefile file1 [, file2, file3, ... filen] ]


Use the asupgrade utility to migrate the server configuration and its persisted state, J2EE services, and deployed J2EE applications. The configuration of an installed Sun Java System Application Server 7 is migrated to the Sun Java System Application Server 8.1 installation. If the domain contains information about a deployed application and the installed application components do not agree with the configuration information, the configuration is migrated as is without any attempt to reconfigure the incorrect configurations.

asupgrade migrates the configuration and deployed applications of a previous version of the Application Server; however, the runtime binaries of the server are not updated. Database migrations or conversions are also beyond the scope of the asupgrade command.

Only those instances that do not use Sun Java System Web Server-specific features will be upgraded seamlessly. Configuration files related to HTTP path, CGI bin, SHTML, and NSAPI plugins will not be upgraded.

The upgrade process can also be initiated automatically at installation time using the Upgrade checkbox in the Application Server installer. After completion of the upgrade, use the uninstaller to remove the previous version of the application server.

Application archives (EAR files) and component archives (JAR, WAR, and RAR files) that are deployed in the Application Server 7.x/8.0 environment do not require any modification to run on Application Server 8.1. Applications and components that are deployed in the source server are deployed on the target server during the upgrade. Applications that do not deploy successfully on the target server must be migrated using the Migration Tool or asmigrate command, then redeployed manually.

Specify the source and target directories for the upgrade.

If the upgrade includes certificates, provide the passwords for the source PKCS12 file and the target JKS keyfile for each domain that contains certificates to be migrated. Since Application Server 7 uses a different certificate store format (NSS) than Application Server 8 PE (JSSE), the migration keys and certificates are converted to the new format. Only one certificate database password per domain is supported. If multiple certificate database passwords are used in a single domain, all of the passwords must be made the same before starting the upgrade. The passwords can be reset after the upgrade has been completed.

If the upgrade includes clusters, specify one or more cluster files. Upon successful upgrade, an upgrade report is generated listing successfully migrated items along with a list of the items that could not be migrated.

If you issue the asupgrade command with no options, the Upgrade Tool GUI will be displayed. If the asupgrade command is used in command-line mode and all of the required information is not supplied, an interviewer will request information for any required options that were omitted.


c console

Launches the upgrade command line utility.

V version

The version of the Upgrade Tool.

h help

Displays the arguments for launching the UpgradeTool.

s source

The installation directory for Sun Java System Application Server 7.x/8.x installation that will be upgraded.

t target

The installation directory for Sun Java System Application Server 8.1.

a adminuser

The username of the administrator.

w adminpassword

The password for the adminuser. Although this option can be used, the recommended way to transmit passwords is by using the passwordfile option.

m masterpassword

The master password that is created during installation. The default value is changeit. Although this option can be used, the recommended way to transmit passwords is by using the passwordfile option.

f passwordfile

The path to the file that contains the adminpassword and masterpassword. Content of this file should be in the following format: AS_ADMIN_ADMINPASSWORD=adminpassword AS_ADMIN_MASTERPASSWORD=masterpassword

d domain

The domain name for the migrated certificates.

n nsspwdfile

The path to the NSS password file.

e targetnsspwdfile

The path to the target NSS password file.

j jkspwdfile

The path to the JKS password file.

p capwdfile

The path to the CA certificate password file.

i clinstancefile

The path to the cluster file. The default filename is $AS_INSTALL/conf/clinstance.conf .


Example 1. Upgrading an Application Server 7 Installation to Application Server 8.1 with Prompts for Certificate Migration

This example shows how to upgrade a Sun Java System Application Server 7 installation to Sun Java System Application Server 8.1. You will be prompted to migrate certificates. If you reply no, then no certificates will be migrated.

example% asupgrade --adminuser admin --passwordfile password.txt 
--source /home/sunas7 --target /home/sjsas8.1
Example 2. Upgrading an Application Server 7.1 EE Installation with Clusters and NSS Certificates to Application Server 8.1 EE

This example shows how to upgrade a Sun Java System Application Server 7.1 EE installation with a cluster to Sun Java System Application Server 8.1 EE. NSS certificates will be migrated, as will the clinstance.conf cluster file.

example% asupgrade --adminuser admin 
--passwordfile password.txt 
--source /home/sjsas7.1 --target /home/sjsas8.1 
--domain domain1 --nsspwdfile /home/sjsas7.1/nsspassword.txt 
--targetnsspwdfile /home/sjsas8.1/nsspassword.txt
--clinstancefile /home/sjsas7.1/config/clinstance.conf

After the upgrade, node agents for all remote instances must be created and started on their respective host systems.

Example 3. Upgrading an Application Server 7.0 PE Installation with NSS Certificates to Application Server 8.1 PE

This example shows how to upgrade a Sun Java System Application Server 7.0 PE installation to Sun Java System Application Server 8.1 PE. The NSS certificates from the 7.0 PE source server will be converted to JKS and CA certificates in the 8.1 PE target server.

example% asupgrade --adminuser admin 
--passwordfile password.txt 
--source /home/sjsas7.0 --target /home/sjsas8.1 
--domain domain1 --nsspwdfile /home/sjsas7.0/nsspassword.txt 
--jkspwdfile /home/sjsas7.0/jkspassword.txt 
--capwdfile /home/sjsas7.0/capassword.txt 
Example 4. Upgrading an Application Server 8.0 PE Installation with JKS and CA Certificates to Application Server 8.1 PE

This example shows how to upgrade a Sun Java System Application Server 8.0 PE installation to Sun Java System Application Server 8.1 PE. JKS and CA certificates will be migrated.

example% asupgrade --adminuser admin 
--passwordfile password.txt 
--source /home/sjsas8.0 --target /home/sjsas8.1 
--domain domain1 --jkspwdfile /home/sjsas8.0/jkspassword.txt 
--capwdfile /home/sjsas8.1/capassword.txt



command executed successfully


error in executing the command



J2EE SDK 1.4Go To TopLast Changed 31 Jan 2005