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Sun Java System Portal Server Mobile Access 6 2005Q1 Administration Guide 


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Chapter 1   Overview
Mobile Access Software
The Portal Desktop
Client Types
Voice Access
Channels, Containers, and Providers
Container Channels
Mobile Applications
The Administration Console
Mobile Access Software Features
Typical Administrator Functions
Logging In
The Standard Portal Desktop

Chapter 2   Managing Mobile Devices
Understanding Client Detection
Managing the Client Database
To Update the Client Database
Using the Client Manager
Markup Languages
Device Information
Filter Option
Client Editor
To Launch the Client Manager
To View Style Properties
Managing Client Type Data
To Edit Client Types
To Create a New Device by Inheriting Styles
To Create a New Device by Inheriting Properties
To Remove a Custom Device
To Identify Selected Client Types for a Portal User

Chapter 3   Configuring Mobile Authentication
NoPassword Authentication
To Enable the NoPassword Module
Anonymous Authentication

Chapter 4   Managing the Mobile Portal Desktop
Understanding the Wireless Desktop Dispatcher
Editing Wireless Desktop Dispatcher Properties
To Edit the selectedClients Property
Setting Conditional Properties
To Set Conditional Properties for a Mobile Channel
Editing Channel State Properties
To Edit Channel State Properties
Editing JSPRenderingContainer Properties
To Edit Advanced Properties for JSPRenderingContainer

Chapter 5   Configuring Mobile Applications
Using Service Configuration Attributes
To Edit Service Configuration Attributes
Using Identity Management Attributes
To Edit Identity Management Services Attributes
To Edit Identity Management Users Attributes
About Mobile Application Templates

Chapter 6   Configuring Voice Access
Understanding Voice Functionality
Configuring Voice Access
Using a Voice Service Provider
Using a Telephony System
Using Session Initiation Protocol
Using Native Audio
Installing a Nuance Voice Web Server
Creating Voice-Accessible User Accounts
Accessing Portal Server Software
Using a Voice Service Provider
Using a Phone
Using Session Initiation Protocol
Using Native Audio



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Part No: 819-1369-10.   Copyright 2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.