Technical Case Study: Sun Java Enterprise System SunWeb 4.0

Software in SunWeb 4.0

SunWeb was one of the first implementations of Sun's suite of middleware products known as Sun Java Enterprise System (Java ES). Java ES is a software infrastructure that provides a complete set of middleware services to support enterprise applications distributed across a network or Internet environment. The Java ES components that provide the services are installed using a common installer, synchronized on a common set of shared libraries, and share an integrated user identity and security management system. The SunWeb 4.0 portal is built on Sun Java Enterprise System 2005Q1 and demonstrates a comprehensive implementation of the Java ES platform.

The following table lists the key Sun software components used in SunWeb 4.0 and the functionality each component provides. Your enterprise might require similar functionality.

Note –

All software used in the deployment is not listed in the table, just the key Java ES components. For more information about other components and applications used in the deployment, see Preparing the Logical Architecture.

Table 1–4 Key Sun Software Used in SunWeb 4.0



Sun Java System Portal Server 6.1

Portal Server is the integration framework for the presentation of content and services and performs display-specific tasks such as desktop and channel presentations. Portal Server provides the following SunWeb functionality: 

  • Mobile access desktop for internal users

  • SRA

  • End-to-end secure SSL using the Rewriter and Netlet proxies

Sun Java System Access Manager 6.3

Access Manager performs tasks related to authentication, roles, and policies and provides the following SunWeb functionality: 

  • Enforces authorized access to network services and resources through the SunWeb portal and Access Manager infrastructure.

  • Manages Sun employee user identity and tightly integrates with policy, identity management, service management, and SAML (Security Assertion Markup Language) to simplify and provide a single point of administration of users.

  • Provides a single identity (single sign-on) across web and application servers and services, such as the MySales and MyMarketing SunWeb portals and also mail and calendar applications.

  • Provides users filtered roles.

Sun Java System Application Server 8.1

Provides the Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition (J2EETM) container.

Sun Java System Directory Server 5.2

Directory Server stores the user profile information used by Portal Server and Access Manager. Portal Server and Access Manager read and write to Directory Server, and several other critical operations also occur on the directory servers to perform the following tasks: 

  • Update user profiles based on Human Resources records.

  • Implement multimaster replication, which enables data to be replicated between directory servers in real time to keep the data synchronized.

Solaris 10 OS

Provides the operating system (secure build, x86, zones).