Sun B2B Suite AS2 Protocol Manager User's Guide

Transaction Profiles

Each Transaction Profile enables a specific messaging function and is associated with a B2B Host. For example, you are allowed to create Transaction Profiles at the B2B Host level (under the B2B Host Configuration tab in ePM), whose parameter values are inherited at the TP level (under the Trading Partner Configuration tab in ePM).

In terms of usage, for example, you might want to place all of your Transaction Profiles for purchase order requests and responses in one Action Group and give it a name that represents its function.

A Transaction Profile consists of a Business Protocol Action Group or Delivery Protocol Action Group, and a Transport. Therefore, a given Transaction Profile inherits parameter defaults and overrides from its “parent” Action Group components.

At the TP level, a B2B Host Transaction Profile may be used as a part of the configuration of a TP component, that is, one of the TP’s Transaction Profiles. In these cases, the TP is said to “inherit” the configuration values (defaults and overrides) from the B2B Host Transaction Profile it is using.