Sun B2B Suite ASC X12 Protocol Manager User's Guide

Using the Quick Start Procedures

This chapter provides an overview of the ASC X12 PM sample implementation scenario and basic procedures that describe how to import the necessary files, then efficiently set up, run, and monitor the business scenario. The remainder of this section explains the purpose and content of this chapter in greater detail.

Quick Start, Tutorial, or Both?

The ASC X12 PM product includes a complete sample implementation, included in the ASC_X12_ManagerDocs.sar file, that allows you to see the end results without having to go through all the design steps.

If you import and set up this sample scenario, as described in this chapter, you can see run-time results quickly without having to read detailed instructions.

The tutorial in Chapter 6, ASC X12 PM Sample Scenario Tutorial, on the other hand, provides a detailed hands-on guide to creating all the sample components, including some procedures that are not specific to ASC X12 PM. This chapter gives detailed, instructional procedures and more specific examples.

Table 5–1 compares the purposes and tasks of the two approaches.

Table 5–1 Comparing Quick Start and Tutorial




Quick Start 

This “load and go” method provides the quickest route to seeing ASC X12 PM in action with eXchange. 

Import the sample Projects; create the DPs and build/deploy the Projects; view initial results; run the sample scenario; experiment with passing and monitoring message data. 

Tutorial: Chapter 6, ASC X12 PM Sample Scenario Tutorial

This “up close and detailed” method provides complete steps for creating, configuring, and monitoring the working ASC X12 PM business scenario provided in the sample. 

Create the necessary Environments and Projects; add and configure all components to be used (for example, OTDs, ASC X12 PM components, BPs, and Connectivity Maps), build/deploy the Projects; view initial results; experiment with passing and monitoring message data. 

If you use both the quick-start and tutorial approaches, do the procedures contained in this chapter first. In this way, you can use this chapter as a general guide and reference to gain essential background knowledge, before you begin the tutorial in Chapter 6, ASC X12 PM Sample Scenario Tutorial.

Overview of Basic Setup Steps

The basic setups steps, after installation, for setting up, running, and monitoring the sample implementation scenario provided in this chapter are:

For complete information on how to use eXchange, see the eXchange Integrator User’s Guide.