Sun B2B Suite ASC X12 Protocol Manager User's Guide

Editing the Sample Data .xml Files

Data files are supplied with the sample scenario, which reference a path enclosed between the XML tags: <dir> … </dir>. You must first export these files using Enterprise Designer’s Project Explorer. Then, edit these files to reflect the path location where you actually export the sample scenario files.

Note –

For a list of the sample scenario’s files, see Exporting Sample Files.

ProcedureTo Export the Sample Data Files

  1. Locate the export files for the Atlanta sample data in Enterprise Designer’s Project Explorer under eXchange ⇒ Samples ⇒ X12 ⇒ RecvFromInt ⇒ Files

    These files are:

    • 850-SendingOutbound.dat.~in

    • 850.dat.

  2. Export these files to a folder on your C drive. It is recommended that you set up a folder structure to contain these files, under C:\temp, for example:

  3. Locate the export files that ensure Berlin returns the correct messages to Atlanta in Project Explorer, under eXchange ⇒ Samples ⇒ X12 ⇒ 855_FromInt_850 ⇒ Files:

    These files are:


    • X12_dlg_850_In_Atlanta_850_In.xml

  4. Export these files to a folder on your C drive. It is recommended that you set up a folder structure to contain these files, under C:\temp, for example:C:\temp\eXchange\Sample\X12\Data\Berlin

    You must make sure that the 850-SendingOutbound.dat.~in file is updated to reflect the appropriate Atlanta data path location. You may do this operation using a text editor.

ProcedureTo Edit the Atlanta 850-SendingOutbound.dat.~in File

  1. Make sure you have exported the sample data files.

  2. Use the Enterprise Designer’s Export feature to export the sample data files to a specified location, for example:

    cd /d C:\temp\eXchange\Sample\X12\Data\Atlanta
  3. Change directories to the subdirectory of the location where you exported the sample data files.

  4. Use a text editor open the following file:


    You see text that resembles the following text:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!--Sample XML file generated by XMLSPY v2004 rel. 3 U 
    (><TestInput xmlns:xsi=

    The lines preceding the last line </TestInput> have the following meaning:

    • The <dir>…</dir> line supplies the path of the directory that holds the payload data file to be processed.

    • The <filename>…</filename> line supplies the file name of the payload data file for the current transaction.

    • The <tradingpartner>…</tradingpartner> line supplies the name of the current TP.

    • The <service>…</service> line supplies the name of the Transaction Profile Group of the current TP; used in ePM.

    • The <action>…</action> line supplies the transaction number, in this case, 850.

  5. If necessary, in the line <dir> path </dir> (shown in the previous example), change the string represented by path, to the actual path of the directory that holds your local copy of the 850.dat file.

    For example:



  6. If you have already run the sample and you want to experiment with other changes (such as using a payload file with a different file name, or using a TP with a different name), be sure they are also reflected here.

  7. When you are finished, save your changes and exit the text editor.

    You must make sure that the Berlin X12_dlg_850_In_Atlanta_850_In.xml file is updated to reflect the appropriate Berlin data path location. You may do this operation using a text editor.

ProcedureTo Edit the Berlin X12_dlg_850_In_Atlanta_850_In.xml File

  1. Make sure you have exported the sample data files.

  2. Use the Enterprise Designer’s Export feature to export the sample data files to a specified location, for example:

    cd /d C:\temp\eXchange\Sample\X12\Data\Berlin
  3. Change directories to the subdirectory of the location where you exported the sample data files.

  4. Use a text editor open the following file: X12_dlg_850_In_Atlanta_850_In.xml

    You see text that resembles the following text:

    < <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <Files Directory="path">
  5. If necessary, in the line <dir> path </dir> (shown in the previous example), change the string represented by path, to the actual path of the directory that holds your local copy of the X12_dlg_850_In_Atlanta_850_In.xml and files.

    For example:



  6. If you have already run the sample and you want to experiment with other changes (such as using a payload file with a different file name, or using a TP with a different name), be sure they are also reflected here.

  7. When you are finished, save your changes and exit the text editor.

    Note –

    For more information, see the eXchange Integrator User’s Guide.