Sun B2B Suite ASC X12 Protocol Manager User's Guide

Accessing Message Tracking

This section explains how to access Message Tracking.

ProcedureTo Access Message Tracking

  1. Start a browser session.

  2. Point your browser at the following URL:



    • logicalhost: The host name or IP address of a Logical Host running your Project, that is, the current Logical Host.

    • port: is The Web server connector port configured in your Integration Server. To discover this information, use Environment Explorer to open the current Logical Host. Right-click the Integration Server and select Properties. Open IS Configuration ⇒ Sections ⇒ Web Container ⇒ Web Server ⇒ Default Web Server; port is the value set for Connector Port. If you have several Web server configurations, check them also.

      The default port-number value is 18001 for the first Integration Server in the first-created Logical Host. (or 28001 for the first Integration Server in the second-created Logical Host, and so on). For the sample scenario, use 18001 for Atlanta ( envA) and 28001 for Berlin ( envB).

    • objname: The name of the Message Tracking instance as it appears on the current Connectivity Map. For the sample scenario, this name is tracker.

    Example: To access Message Tracking for the sample scenario, use the following URLs:

    • http://localhost:18001/tracker

      Note –

      You can only use the same port number for different Message Tracking instances if they reside on different machines.

    As stated previously, the sample must be running before you access Message Tracking, and messages must have been transported before any become accessible.

Message Tracking Window

When you first run Message Tracking, the Message Tracking window appears. After you perform a search, as necessary, in the window’s left pane, message information results appear in the right pane. See Figure 6–6.

Figure 6–6 Atlanta Host, Example Message Tracking Window

Atlanta Host, Example Message Tracking Window

See the eXchange Integrator User’s Guide for information on how to use Message Tracking.