Sun B2B Suite ASC X12 Protocol Manager User's Guide

Glossary of Acronyms

AD, *AD, xAD

In eXchange an Attributes Definition defines the metadata attributes of parameters used in a business protocol, delivery protocol, or transport. Examples of xADs include: BPAD=BAD+EAD; DPAD=MAD+PAD; and TAD.


Applicability Statement 2 (AS2) is an Internet Draft security standard defined by the IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force), designed to allow business transactions to move securely over the Internet.


Business-to-business (B2B) interactions are those that occur between business partners in the context of e-commerce.


In eXchange, Business Attribute Definitions (BADs) define the metadata attributes of message payload parameters used in business protocols such as X12, HIPAA, EDIFACT, or CIDX. Each BAD combines with one EAD to constitute a BPAD.


In eXchange, Business Protocol Attribute Definitions (BPADs) define metadata for business protocols such as X12, HIPAA, EDIFACT, or CIDX. A BPAD consists of one Business Attributes Definition (BAD) and one Enveloping Attributes Definition (EAD).


The Sun Java Composite Application Platform Suite (Java CAPS) includes eGate Integrator, eInsight Business Process Manager eXchange Integrator, eWay Intelligent Adapters, OTD Libraries, and Protocol Managers, as well as many other products.


The Chemical Industry Data Exchange (CIDX) is a non-profit organization dedicated to improving the ease, speed and cost of securely conducting business electronically in the chemical industry. CIDX focuses on the development of eBusiness standards, called Chem eStandards.


In eXchange, Delivery Protocol Attribute Definitions (DPADs) define metadata for delivery protocols such as AS2, ebXML, or RNIF. A DPAD consists of one Messaging Attributes Definition (MAD) and one Packaging Attributes Definition (PAD).


In eXchange, Enveloping Attribute Definitions (EADs) define the metadata attributes of message envelope parameters used in business protocols such as X12, HIPAA, EDIFACT, or CIDX. Each EAD combines with one BAD to constitute a BPAD.


A well-recognized e-business XML (extensible markup language; see “XML”) whose implementation includes specifications for messaging, collaboration profiles, business processes, and metadata registry.


eXchange Partner Manager (ePM) is a Web-based GUI for defining and managing Trading Partner (TP) information.


File Transport Protocol (FTP) is a transport protocol for sending and receiving files. Specifications for FTP include RFCs 959, 1635, 2228, and 2577.


Hypertext Transport Protocol (HTTP) is a transport protocol for transmitting information referenced in a URL of the form http://hostname:port/.../.... Specifications for HTTP include RFCs 2068, 2616, 2617, 2660, and 3310.


Before Java CAPS 5.1.x, SeeBeyond offered an Integrated Composite Application Network (ICAN) Suite that included eGate Integrator, eXchange Integrator, various eWay Intelligent Adapters, OTD Libraries, and Protocol Manager Composite Applications, as well as many other products.


The Lightweight Directory Access Protocol is a standard networking protocol for querying and modifying information stored as a distributed nonrelational database in directory servers (informally called “LDAP servers”) accessed via TCP/IP. Specifications for LDAP include RFCs 1777-1779 and 2251-2255.


In eXchange, Messaging Attribute Definitions (MADs) define the metadata attributes of messaging parameters used in delivery protocols such as AS2, ebXML, or RNIF. Each MAD combines with one PAD to constitute a DPAD.


Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) extends the format of basic Internet mail to allow non-textual messages, multipart message bodies, and so forth. Specifications for MIME include RFCs 2045–2049.


In Java CAPS, an Object Type Definition (OTD) contains the data structure and rules that define an object. OTDs are used in Java collaborations to transform data interface with external systems.


In eXchange, Packaging Attribute Definitions (PADs) define the metadata attributes of packaging parameters used in delivery protocols such as AS2, ebXML, or RNIF. Each PAD combines with one MAD to constitute a DPAD.


The purpose of the RosettaNet Implementation Framework (RNIF) is to allow trading partners to configure their business processes in such a way as to operate with other trading partners adhering to the same framework, allowing electronic business transactions to be conducted securely over the Internet.


Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (S/MIME) provides a consistent way to send and receive secure MIME data, using digital signatures for authentication, message integrity and non-repudiation and encryption for privacy and data security. Specifications for S/MIME version 2 include RFCs 2311–2315.


In Java CAPS, Secure Messaging Exchange (SME) uses advanced cryptographic techniques to ensure security, verifiability, and non-repudiation of messages exchanged electronically.


Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) is a transport protocol for transmitting e-mail messages between servers or from client to server. Specifications for SMTP include RFCs 1651, 2821, and 3461.


In eXchange, Transport Attribute Definitions (TADs) define the metadata attributes of parameters used in transport protocols such as FTP or HTTP.


The Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol is a standard suite of communication protocols for connecting hosts and transmitting data over the Internet.


In eXchange, a Trading Partner (TP) has one or more Trading Partner Profiles (TPPs) that contain information identifying the values of messaging, enveloping, and/or transport parameters to be used for sending and receiving B2B information.


A Uniform Resource Locator (URL) is a string that identifies information, such as a particular piece of information shared by a particular host.


An Extensible Markup Language (XML) is a language whose syntax obeys an official schema, called “the XML schema”, but whose semantics (“vocabulary”) are open.