Sun B2B Suite ASC X12 Protocol Manager User's Guide

ProcedureTo Create and Configure the LDAP External System

  1. Create a new LDAP external system(New ⇒ LDAP External System) under envA (envB for Berlin) and name it esLDAP.

  2. Set the Environment Configuration ⇒ Connection properties for esLDAP as follows:

    • Initial Context Factory: com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory

    • Provider URL: As necessary for your system, according to the provided syntax For example, ldap://,dc=in

    • Authentication: simple

    • Principal: As necessary for your system. For example, Manager

    • Credentials: Password, as necessary for your system. For example, exchange

      Note –

      A separate LDAP external system instance is required for each B2B Host.

  3. For all other esLDAP properties, accept the defaults.