Sun B2B Suite ebXML Protocol Manager User's Guide

Setting Up Companies’ B2B Host Projects

On the Project Explorer tree, you can open a B2B host Project (HostBerlin or HostAtlanta) to display its components. This section provides a summary of a B2B host’s contents.

Activating a B2B host Project creates an eXchange service that acts as a channel manager and provides a connection to Message Tracking and the eXchange database instance.

See Using Message Tracking and the eXchange Integrator User’s Guide for more information on Message Tracking.

Components of Companies’ B2B Host Projects

The following list describes the B2B host Projects’ components and their functions:

The Enterprise Designer canvas cmHostAtlanta is a Connectivity Map. It shows a graphical view of the cmHostAtlanta components.

This Connectivity Map has the following components:

The Enterprise Designer canvas cmHostBerlin is also a Connectivity Map (similar to Components of Companies’ B2B Host Projects) and has the following components:

Configuring eWays on Connectivity Maps

This section explains how to configure the properties of eWay external system instances on the sample Projects’ Connectivity Maps.

Note –

If directories listed in this section are not already present as subdirectories of C:\temp\eXchange\Sample\, you must create them, according to the path locations shown.

Use the default properties, except in the following cases:

File eWay: From Atlanta

The Atlanta Company’s clientOutebXMLAtlanta Project Connectivity Map cmClientOutebXML has an eWay external system instance named extFileIn. Modify the default properties as follows:

File eWay: From Berlin

Inbound: The Berlin Company’s clientOutebXMLBerlin Project Connectivity Map cmClientOutebXML has an eWay external system instance named extFileIn. Modify the default properties as follows:

Batch eWay

Configure the Target Directory Name property for the external system instance extBatchLocalFileOut on the Connectivity Map cmToInternal as follows:


Activating Companies’ B2B Host Deployment Profiles

Before performing this operation, make sure you are using the current Project’s Environment (envAtlanta or envBerlin) and that it contains a correctly installed and configured Oracle external system instance (see the Creating Atlanta Company’s Environment). Your Oracle system must be running, because the eXchange database instance runs on Oracle.

Note –

When you activate a B2B host, eXchange automatically creates another external system instance, an eXchange service. For more information on this service, see the eXchange Integrator User’s Guide .

ProcedureTo activate the B2B host’s Deployment Profile for the Atlanta Company

  1. On Enterprise Designer’s Project Explorer tree, right-click HostAtlanta and, on the context menu, point at New and click Deployment Profile.

  2. Name the new Deployment Profile dpHostAtlanta, point it at envAtlanta, and click OK.

    The Deployment Editor opens. Its left pane shows two services and two Oracle external system instances (representing Oracle eWays).

    Its right pane contains windows representing the basic components and external system instances in envAtlanta.

  3. On the right pane, minimize all windows except lhAtlanta and extOracleOutAtlanta.

  4. Click the Automap button. See Activating Companies’ B2B Host Deployment Profiles.

    The services and eWays automatically map to the appropriate windows on the right pane. The result looks like Activating Companies’ B2B Host Deployment Profiles, except without the eXchange service.

  5. Click Save All.

  6. Click Activate to activate the Deployment Profile.

    A dialog box appears, indicating the activation is successful. A new external system instance is created, named bhAtlanta1 eXchange Service. You can view this service on envAtlanta on the Environment Explorer tree, as well as on the right pane of Deployment Editor.

    A dialog box appears with a message communicating the status of the activation. If the activation is not successful, repeat the steps in this procedure, carefully rechecking every action. If the activation is successful, go on to the next step.

  7. After the Deployment Profile is activated successfully, a dialog box with the message Apply Environment updates as well. [LogicalHost may be restarted] appears, prompting you to apply the changes to all running Logical Hosts. You can take one of the following actions:

    • If no Logical host is running, click No.

    • If one or more Logical Hosts are running, click Yes, then decide whether there are Environment changes to be applied and:

      • If yes, check the check box and press Enter.

      • If no, clear the check box and press Enter.

        Note –

        For the purpose of this sample Project, at this point in the procedure, leave the dialog box’s check box checked and press Esc .

  8. When you are finished, click Save All, close all canvases, and click Refresh All from Repository.

ProcedureTo activate the B2B host’s Deployment Profile for the Berlin Company

  1. On Enterprise Designer’s Project Explorer tree, right-click HostBerlin and, on the context menu, point at New and click Deployment Profile.

  2. Name the new Deployment Profile dpHostBerlin, point it at envBerlin, and click OK.

    The Deployment Editor opens. Its right pane shows two services and two Oracle external system instances (representing Oracle eWays).

    Its left pane contains windows representing the basic components and external system instances in envBerlin. The result is similar to that shown in Activating Companies’ B2B Host Deployment Profiles.

  3. On the right pane, minimize all windows except lhBerlin and extOracleOutBerlin.

  4. Click the Automap button (see Activating Companies’ B2B Host Deployment Profiles).

    The services and eWays automatically map to the appropriate windows on the right pane.

  5. Click Save All.

  6. Click Activate to activate the Deployment Profile.

    A dialog box appears, indicating the activation is successful. A new external system instance is created, named bhBerlin1 eXchange Service. You can see this service on envBerlin, under extOracleOutBerlin on the Environment Explorer tree.

    The result is similar to that shown in Activating Companies’ B2B Host Deployment Profiles.

  7. Click or press the appropriate button or key to close the dialog box.

    Note –

    For the purpose of this sample Project, at this point in the procedure, leave the dialog box’s check box checked and press Esc .

  8. When you are finished, click Save All, close all canvases, and click Refresh All from Repository.

Troubleshooting Tips

If extOracleOutAtlanta or extOracleOutBerlin refuses to accept eWays, this issue may be an indication that the referenced eXchange database instance is: